Network Aliases point to wrong destination


I'm running a new G5 with Tiger on a network with 30ish other Macs running OS 9.2.2 and a few Windows machines. I've gone thru the finder to log onto other Macs and then created aliases that I dragged back to a folder on my dock so I can log on to these Macs easily. However, most of the aliases I create wind up pointing to another Mac. I made 12 aliases and they all point to 2 different Macs. 2 of the aliases are pointing to the right Mac, 10 are pointing to other Macs than where the aliases were created. Am I doing something wrong here? Seems like a relatively simple thing to do. I've been doing the same thing on OS 9.2.2 for several years with no issue. Anyone have any ideas? TIA
Hmmm... are all those Macs named different names? It could be that if they have the same network name that the network is getting confused about which route to take, possibly taking you to the wrong computer...
Nope...all Macs have different names. I never had this problem in 9.2.2. It just surfaced with OS X. Have another G5 with OS X that works OK with aliases. Maybe time to reload OS.....
UPDATE in case anyone's reading this: I've added a 2nd G5 to this LAN and set up aliases to some OS 9.2.2 Macs. That machine is behaving the same, the aliases worked for 1/2 hour and now they point to different machines than they were created on. The first Mac is back to the same thing, I did manage to get the aliases working, tested each one as I created them, went back 20 minutes later and tried them and some point ti different machines than they were created on.....very it possible that the network itself it not compatible with OS X? Does anyone know if something about the network has changed? A TCP protocol or something? My LAN runs thru 3 Asante network switches......