network icon removal



By accident I dragged out the Network icon from the Finder navigation bar on the side and now I can't get to my network section.. is there any way to get that icon back in the list in finder? please help!!

Have you tried restarting?
Check the Finder Preferences/Sidebar - make sure Network is checked.

By accident I dragged out the Network icon from the Finder navigation bar on the side and now I can't get to my network section.. is there any way to get that icon back in the list in finder? please help!!


The network icon should still be in the control pane. Otherwise if you need to access a server, use the finder option "Connect to server" (under Goto ?).

Good luck, Kees
Go to your Finder menu preferences, click on the Sidebar tab, and put a check in the box next to Network, and there you are!
OR you can go to the finder and click the go menu and go to computer (or do shift apple c) and when the window appears the network is in it and you can drag that back into the sidebar.