Originally posted by Randman
Actually, I think it's you who posts on things you don't know about. You'll learn one day that some things cost money and if you don't have it, you don't get what you want. It often sucks, but that's the way thngs are.
already know that things cost money. I am well aware of it, thanks.
If you don't have the money, then you have to make do with some inconveniences or you can take your gifts and move on to another site where you don't have this problem. Whining and bitching and ranting isn't going to solve your needs or win you many admirers.
Ya know, I am seriously considering doing this. A lot of my friends from this forum are leaving, so I am getting a little lonely.
The only reason I haven't already left is because I have so much invested in this site. It seems a bit of a pity to lose it all now.
If you were troubled by the ads, you should show some maturity and e-mailed Scott privately to discuss your situation and to see if there were workable alternatives. If he wasn't open to any suggestions (and I would hope he would be, considering your age and situation), then why would you want to stay around here anyway.
I have tried this before. It didn't work.
The problem is that he doesn't seem to be particularly open, period. I did ask a few months ago in a PM whether there was another way I could help out, and as I recall, he didn't even bother to send me a response. I still want to help out though.
Besides, this way other people can voice their opinions on the subject! I can pretty much guarantee that if I hadn't posted, then someone else would have.
But you took the easy way out and starting taking potshots and weren't the least bit constructive. I've read many of your posts and think you're pretty bright and I've agreed with what you had to say on a lot, I just think you're handling this instance hasn't been the wisest thing and you're digging yourself into a hole rather than looking for working solutions.
Could you please show me some of these 'potshots'? As far as
I can tell, I voiced my opinion and then offered to help make things better. (I'm not the only one who doesn't mind the ads in themselves. We just don't like the way they are presented)
It appears that I offered many times to help, but each time I was ignored. This doesn't say much for Scott's legendary openness, does it?
That said, if you were given a gift of a computer and web site and told your folks, you wanted $5 or $10 so you could enjoy a site that was instructive and fun and you'd work an extra chore or two around the house to earn that money, that they wouldn't help you out?
Actually upon thinking about it, I could probably get some extra cash without too much trouble, the problem will be getting Dad to send it. I am pretty sure he would want some reliable references for Scott first. How about we make a deal: (this is for Scott) You get me some references for you that my Dad can trust, and I will work on getting 5-10 bucks. Good?
EDIT: I just looked at the PayPal pay link. How do you know what my user account is?
Or you couldn't go to the neighbors and say: Hey, I'm trying to earn a few bucks to get something, can I mow the lawn or shovel snow from the sidewalk or wash the car or walk the dog for a few bucks, that no one would give you a few bucks?
Yeah, great idea,
with one big flaw!
I said I live in the middle of nowhere.

We don't have any neighbors close by (and of the 'neighbors' we do have, I only know one. He sometimes pays me a bit to stack wood or something, but we aren't in season for that now. I guess I could ask him anyway though)
And if you are adamant about not feeling the need to pay, then don't. But then you have to accept the fact that this site is adding ads and they may annoy you, and they may annoy you so much that you don't care to visit this site so much.
Gosh, don't you listen? I said I wanted to pay, I just don't have any cash! I know the site is putting ads in, and I am also well aware that they are annoying. I just wanted to help make them a bit less annoying and more streamlined.