New Airport Express

A product update on a Monday??

I wonder if they also upgraded finally the limits of the MAC address ACLs, 25 was low (or would have been fine in 2002)...
A product update on a Monday??

Well they have been switching the days when they incrementally update products. The last MacBook & MacBook Pro processor release was also on a Monday. I wouldn't be surprised if they release a new processor Mini release on a Wednesday.
Nope, those were on a Tuesday. This has been the first Monday intro in 2008.
So tell me again why I just bought an Extreme, at twice the price, for my simple home Mac-only network? Express now has added shared USB for printers and disks, and n technology,right, so what does Extreme have that's better than Express?
Main differences between the Extreme and the express.. Extreme supports more than 10 users. Extreme also has gigabit ethernet ports for wired access, and the Express supports only printer sharing, but not disk sharing while the Extreme does both.

Depending on your needs the Express may be all you need.
so what does Extreme have that's better than Express?

50 users instead of 10, and can attach USB hard drives as network attached storage.

I'd still prefer the Express. It's small, cheap and very useful. I use Airtunes all the time. In fact, I'm still surprised the higher-up models of Airport still don't have Airtunes; it seems like a pretty cool feature that wouldn't add much to the production cost.