new apple monitors and next os x upgrade...

you lie so bad. apple isn't doing that with the lcd monitors if they even do announce new ones. no cam. etc etc.

The new displays WILL have this feature, fitting into the whole digital hub idea. Actually, the new keyboards released mid-2002 will have a brain-to-USB connector so we don't need a mouse any longer...but you have to hold down CTRL if you want to use the right side of your brain!


what was that about we need a sarcasm-smiley ;)
New screen, yes most probably... they give away the current with G4 PM.

A camera inside the screen ? With stereo mike ? Why not ? But it needs software to support it... like Netmeeting. Will this be the revolution of OS X.2 ?
I really hope 10.2/10.5 brings something breakthrough or brand new and not only boring stuff such as 'bugfixes', 'improvements', 'added support' :o
Just wanted to confirm that ulrik is, of course, dead serious. It is not blindingly obvious that he was kidding in the first place.
Indeed with the camera attached to the display, there'll also be an option to fit the screen theme to your dress.
Beware though ! Rumor has it that any Micro$oft logos spotted by the electric eye will immediately result into an irreversible self-destruct mechanism being triggered (and executed!).
:D ;) etc...
I heard that also, the look of the Finder icon in the dock will change depending on how you look! If you are sad, the Finder is sad. If you are happy, the finder is happy. If you look drunk, the Finder is drunk (and everything is a bit more blurry). Actually, I find that idea to be a bit too much, but well. Maybe you can disable it.
yes, okay. :) whatever that was :P

I mean, I'm Swiss, but I don't go 'Haender scho d'News uf dä Peidsch vo dämunddäm gläsä?' all the time, do I?

apropos themes: when do you need those? only when the developer of the OS does a very bad job or you have too much time and use your computer for gaming purposes only. and erotic cds. or whatever.

have you ever tried to find a *GOOD* theme for an OS? and with that i mean a theme that doesn't get in the way. that just lets you work. coz that's what a good theme would be.

i think aqua does an incredible job, because it's both candy AND good (as in: doesn't get in my way).

btw there are already so many themes for Win XP that my statement must be true: themes are only needed if the basic package sucks.
Originally posted by fryke

'Haender scho d'News uf dä Peidsch vo dämunddäm gläsä?'

Even Swiss people will have to wait for Steve show in Jan... no use to write encoded German to accelerate the info... it will not leak.

Jetzt sind wir aber ernscht, oder ? ;)

(surpressing giggles, trying to be serious):
No, I haven't seen any better themes than Aqua yet. I'm also not the person to play around with them. So I rather much agree with you.
A very good New Year to all.