Uhh... I think I fixed it.
The apachectl script didn't really work like I thought it would, and I did ./httpd stop too, which seems to have confused it.
ps -aux |grep httpd and ps -aux |grep apache and KILL -9 the process numbers... then re-check to make sure they were all really dead..
THEN I ran this: (comment marks added to disable obnoxious HTML)
[localhost:/usr/sbin] root# apachectl stop
apachectl stop: httpd stopped
[localhost:/usr/sbin] root# ps -aux |grep httpd
[localhost:/usr/sbin] root# ps -aux | grep apache
[localhost:/usr/sbin] root# apachectl start
apachectl start: httpd started
[localhost:/usr/sbin] root# telnet localhost 80
Connected to localhost.(censored).com.
Escape character is '^]'.
<TITLE>501 Method Not Implemented</TITLE>
<H1>Method Not Implemented</H1>
hi to /index.html not supported.<P>
Invalid method in request hi<P>
<ADDRESS>Apache/1.3.14 Server at localhost.(censored).com Port 80</ADDRESS>
Connection closed by foreign host.
[localhost:/usr/sbin] root#
As you can see, it's now at 1.3.14. YAY!
Sorry for both of my long posts, but hopefully they'll help someone else. At the very least, when I install it on another box, I won't make the same DUMB mistakes twice!