new displays in stores yet?


I'm planning a little trip to the store but was wondering if they have the 20/23" displays yet. I hear they have the new ipods (?) so it could be a nice visit. I haven't really seen any reviews of the displays yet anywhere.

If so, I'm planning on picking up a dual 2.0 G5 and a 20" display. I was going to see what the big imac thing was but I'm not sure it's worth the wait anymore.
Yes, I saw the 23" (I think) in my local Apple store this past weekend. It had 5 black dead pixels that were extremely obvious. I'd be curious if I'd find more if I looked closer.

I pointed them out to one of the sales people and he went right into "defensive mode". :D Funny story.

Otherwise the displays were very nice looking and very lightweight.
yeah, that's what I'm worried about.... spending that much money for a display (my first LCD not on a laptop) and getting a bunch of dead ones. Don't you think they'd at least pre-screen the one they were putting on display?
If they would prescan and then just offer the screens without any dead pixels and trash the rest, the screens will cost you twice more. I can deal with the 3 dead pixels on my 15.2 inch screen here. And I think, if you want to have one without any dead pixels, you should buy it at the store and before you pay for it and take it home, ask the ppl to install it so you can check it first. You can always ask for another screen when you still didn't pay for it..
Out of all the LCD screens I have and have closely examined, I have never seen dead pixels like Apple's displays have.

I'm not saying that the displays are over priced for what they are, a nice, bright, huge, widescreen display is hard to find in the PC market. But I find it humorous that when I told the guy in the store about all the dead pixels he got very offended...

Guy: "All LCDs have dead pixels!"

Me: "No, they don't."

Guy (getting louder): "Yes, they do!"

Me (still calm): "I own two Gateway LCD displays, they have no dead pixels. My Dad's Dell laptop has no dead pixels. My Gateway laptop had no dead pixels. All of my family and friends that have LCDs have no dead pixels. Some PC manufactures will replace your LCD if it even has one dead pixel. But, my PowerBook had a bad screen and was replaced with one that still has dead pixels."

Guy (getting mad): "I worked at Gateway for 6 years and every LCD that came in had dead pixels!!" (I think this was a lie.)

Me: turned around to ignore the yelling and look at the pretty 23" display. :D

Guy (after a minute of thinking): "You know, Apple displays are rated number one!"

Me (getting kinda ticked): "I don't care."

Guy (really pissed): "They are rated number one!" (I think he scared off the other people looking at the display.)

That was a fun day. I'd like to take my other LCDs in just to show him, but I don't want to get banned from the store. This was right after I got done being interrogated for the 4th time about my battery replacement (which did fix the problems I was having once they let me out of the store with the new one. :rolleyes: )
I thing this is very dependant on ppls experiences. I know a lot of ppl that ordered the new apple cinema screens for their pcs just because apple lcd screen have "less or no" dead pixels compared to other lcds. I can't judge on this. My ibook has no dead pixels, but my tibook does have 3. These are the only lcds I had by now.
I usually find a good, swift kick to the groin appropriate in situations like that. Sorry to get off-topic, but I was in Altex the other day (a local computer parts shop) looking for a cheap 10/100 PCI card for an old 7600 of mine. This über-nerd kept following me around like I was going to steal something. I finally located the section of store with the cards I wanted and began browsing...

"Can I help you?"

"Oh, just looking for a PCI card that'll work in my machine..."

"What kind of machine?"

"I'm upgrading an old Mac to be a server of sorts"

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

< Swift groin kick, karate chop to the nose cartilage and then a good loogie in the face >

"Ah! Found one! Thanks for the help, and have a nice day, ****head."

I felt like telling that guy that I could run circles around his ass using Windows, Mac, UNIX, Linux, Sun Solaris, Be, OS/2, OS/2 Warp, NextStep, OpenStep or any other OS he could think of -- so who should be making fun of who? What a close-minded, arrogant PC weenie. If he had half the skills he thought he had, he wouldn't be a stock boy in a discount computer parts warehouse.

Oh, and I did find a D-Link 10/100 Fast Ethernet Adaptor for $15 that works out-of-the-box with my old 7600, my B&W G3 and my G4 PCI machine. Model number DFE-530TX+ if anyone's interested.
Just came back from the local apple centre near where I live, It seems I have to
wait another 2 months for those new monitors to arrive in this part of the world.
They dont even have the ipod mini yet!
I was hoping that they would offer fat discounts on the older apple LCD's once the new ones arrive.
Usually Apple doesn't offer discontinued equipment at their own Apple stores, and selling off old stock at reduced prices in other stores is pretty much up to that particular store (they usually don't do it with Apple hardware).

Your best bet is to check the online Apple store's Special Deals section if you want fat discounts, but don't expect the discounts to be all that "fat." Usually $50 to $150 discount, depending on how expensive the hardware is.
I bought a 22" 3 years ago. After a couple of months a few dead pixels arose. Then, inexplicably, after another couple of months they went away. Currently (and for the past two years) I have zero dead pizels.

Plus, you apprently can rub them out if you're willing.

My iBook has zero dead pizels after six months.

rub them out? seriously? I have one dead pixel on my 20" after 6 months.

Just out of curiosity, how many dead pixels must you have before
Apple would consider replacing the monitor?