New G5 Clients Cannot Authenticate To 10.3.9 Server


Okay, quick backstory: I was recently made the resident "Macintosh Guru" at my company, which is actually somewhat unfortunate because I have had very very little experience working with Macs in the past. I've been trying to train myself as quickly as possible, but there's still a lot I don't know.

I recently installed three new G5 Power Macs in one of our computer labs and installed a previously created system image on them. They new G5s are running Panther (10.3.9). The server is running Mac OS X Server (10.3.9). Both client and server are fully up to date with their respective updates.

When a user attempts to authenticate to the server (LDAPv3) with one of the new G5s, the spinning color wheel appears and sits there. However, the same account will work just fine on one of the older G5s that have the exact same image installed.

I'm at a bit of a loss and am not quite sure what I should be looking for. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Out of curiosity, when you say 'new' PowerMac G5's, do you mean brand new from Apple, or newly unboxed, but possibly sitting around for a while? The newest line of PowerMacs will *not* properly run Panther and needs to be running Tiger, though I'm sure you would have seen other issues as well.

Can you just confirm what version of PowerMac your using before anyone starts digging through the OD issue? If this is a dual 2.7 or dual 2.3GHz machine, or if these machines shipped with 16x Dual Layer SuperDrives, those are tell tale signs that you have the wrong OS installed. :)
Also, don't forget to change the machines' names after imaging them, if the image operates properly a la what Go3iverson said. It would be prudent to have all machines have different names (editable in the "Sharing" pane of the System Preferences).
ElDiabloConCaca said:
Also, don't forget to change the machines' names after imaging them, if the image operates properly a la what Go3iverson said. It would be prudent to have all machines have different names (editable in the "Sharing" pane of the System Preferences).

Very true. Also, take a look on your DNS server to see if the machines are properly receiving the proper naming.

Lotsa stuff here can get gunked technical terms. ;)
bohlinger said:
When a user attempts to authenticate to the server (LDAPv3) with one of the new G5s, the spinning color wheel appears and sits there. However, the same account will work just fine on one of the older G5s that have the exact same image installed.
Thank you

Also check you OD settings with the DIRECTORY ACCESS program in the map utilities.

Also check that the ip-address the OD server is expected to be, is correct. Otherwise it looks for a OD server which does not exist (fix this with DIRECTORY ACCESS.

Good luck, Kees
Thank you for the replies, and I apologize for not responding sooner. I work at a college and we just had our new freshmen arrive yesterday, so things have been incredibly busy.

It would seem I misdiagnosed the issue, because we are having trouble with any 10.3.9 client authenticating, including some G4s recently re-imaged. I ended up reinstalling our image and updating to 10.3.8 instead of trying 10.3.9 and Everything seems to be working at the moment.

I will continue looking into the issue, with your suggestions, to see if I can get a 10.3.9 client running.

Thank you again for your time.