New G5 displays, plus the rumored 30"

I'd wager that a 30" HD Cinema Display would be $2999.99.

That's what the top one used to be and, considering you get 23" for $2000.00, I'd guess $3000.00.

Then again, we could see price drops on the 17", 20", and 23" to keep that 30" at around $2500-$2700 range.

17" - $599.00
20" - $999.00
23" - $1699.00
30" - $2499.00

That'd be cool to see.
Man, those just fit the G5 like a glove :)
I still don't like the G5's case as much as the G4's though....
I can't imagine what the resolution on a 30" would be. You could open like 4 webpages, side by side...siiiick. Has anypne heard anything about "4D Display technology" that Apple applied for (patentwise) was all over Macrumors a while ago, with documentation from the dept of patents (or w/e it's called)...I have no idea what it is, or what it does, but it sounds slick.
I always wanted to see apple bring a 30" screen to market... GOD that would be tight :^) get the thirty, a powermac, and a firewire 800 (I don't think they exist yet) formac analog -> digital converter. So now I have a screamin computer/gaming machine/dvd player/television/digital video recorder :^) I can't wait!
Originally posted by mr. K
I always wanted to see apple bring a 30" screen to market... GOD that would be tight :^) get the thirty, a powermac, and a firewire 800 (I don't think they exist yet) formac analog -> digital converter. So now I have a screamin computer/gaming machine/dvd player/television/digital video recorder :^) I can't wait!
All for only 6 grand ;)
4 webpages side by side? *cough* tabs *cough*

However, the larger the display, the better you can work in graphics design. Think designing books, magazines & posters...
I can't live without tabs. But "pages side by side" seems to be a big deal with Apple. They touted it with the original tiBook, with the LCD iMac, and again with the 17" powerbook. It just sounds BIG, and big is good for sales.
how about the viewangle? :D
I mean, imagine you sit infront... must be around 80° to look at the left corner and same to the right! *lol*
Originally posted by Zammy-Sam
how about the viewangle? :D
I mean, imagine you sit infront... must be around 80° to look at the left corner and same to the right! *lol*
Correct. The sweet-spot for screen size is around 19" for a 4:3 monitor. A 21" 4:3 monitor is really on the border, or just outside it. I'll admit to ordering the 23" 16:10 Cinema Display for my G5, but I expect to have to turn my head to see the everything on the screen. The viewing angle of a 30" monitor is just too big for effective normal use. It would most certainly have its uses, but not as the primary monitor.
Depends on how good your eyes are, too. If you can see well, you can put a 30" Cinema Display a bit farther away from yourself, so the angle is better (but everything smaller, of course).
you guys are drivng me nuts. here i am, all set to order a new G5 + HD CD display, and these rumors of redesigned displays are raging [along with new keyboards and mice]. You're killin me!

I hope that whatever Apple has in store for us Keyboard / Display wise will come out before the G5 ships.
Originally posted by Fahrvergnuugen
you guys are drivng me nuts. here i am, all set to order a new G5 + HD CD display, and these rumors of redesigned displays are raging [along with new keyboards and mice]. You're killin me!

I hope that whatever Apple has in store for us Keyboard / Display wise will come out before the G5 ships.
For God's sake, man, order the G5 + HD CD display! You can't run your life on rumor and conjecture.
First price for the large LCD was $3,999,not 2999. My guess for a 30" would be around $5500 (About 2 times screen area of a 22 inch, so approx triple the price)
30"... too huge, why not 26" or 27"... it's big enough to be the biggest.

I maintain that they should replace the current 4:3 17" for the 16:10 17" of the iMac and PB. This will make possible to keep its price to $700.