New in Leopard?


The Lone Deranger
What's new in OS X 10.5? The things on don't seem SOO new and updated from Tiger. Are there any new features that aren't listen on And is the GUI the same as in Tiger? Thanks, just curious
Good questions! Some answers will be embargoed until Apple decides to actually announce the release date for Leopard. Anyone who knows would be under an NDA until that time.
Steve Jobs hinted that some of the major new features in Leopard will not be publicized until Apple decides to talk about them. So, yes, I think you can say that there will be features that are not listed on Apple's web site.
You can count on it. Right now, just the features announced make it better, in my opinion.
This would be amazing...
"1. Bit Torrent
Of all the Mac OS 10.5 rumors, this one is my favorite. The rumor is that Apple is going to include a Bit Torrent client as part of the new operating system to distribute iTunes music/video and software updates. The benefit of sharing your bandwidth to offset Apple’s costs is that- according to the rumor- you will receive credit based on your participation. These credits could be for the iTunes store, the Apple store or something else. This is a great idea, as long as it is turned off by default and people are well-informed before they opt-in."
The thing I'm personally looking forward to most out of those I've heard of is the new iChat with desktop sharing (and hopefully MSN support). I'm sure Leopard will bring things that are a lot more impressive but I use messengers on a daily basis so, out of the 10 things listed on the Apple site, this is probably the one that I'd notice the most.

Couple of things I'm also hoping for; some sort of FTP client, wether it be Finder integrated or separate.

Few small bugs ironed out, that I personally seem to notice a lot, like the Safari scroll bar going crazy every once in a while.

New GUI, hopefully not resembling mail (ugly).
The thing I'm personally looking forward to most out of those I've heard of is the new iChat with desktop sharing.

ABSOLUTELY! That is, for me, worth the price of admission alone. Try as I might, I just cannot get VNC working to my parents' Mac, and I'm hoping iChat will make that a seamless experience.

Boy will that make my life easier instead of trying to explain over the phone
"go into the finder"
"the what"
"the little smiley face"
"oh yeah. where's that again?"
"on the dock"
"the what?"

and so on.
I think BootCamp will be an integral part of Leopard as well. At the moment its still technically a beta.
Indeed - would be good, as its supposed to be very reliable and fast.

However, I dont see it happening, as it could take a while (even though there is a project to get it going). Or perhaps we wont see 10.5 yet because Apple are adding bootable support...