New iPod Photo

I can most definitely say that the cover photo of Newsweek showing Jobs holding the new iPod is most DEFINITELY photoshopped.

Look at Job's hair. Do you think they took that photo of him with a big-ass Newsweek banner behind him? NO! They PHOTOSHOPPED the images to make it look like the banner was behind his head!

Ha-ha to YOU, soulseek!

...And as Photoshop is a quite common tool for touching up or editing photographs for media like this, this would be normal.

The question really should have been, "Is this a fake?". The answer in this case is "No".

Interesting. I'm a bit pleased with the new upgrade. I'm not sure how long Apple is going to be able to continue the "slight upgrades are enough to stay ahead of the competition" thing, but this upgrade definitely narrows any advantage in most areas that competitors may have had (in this case, price and battery life).

The iPod is definitely interesting in that, unlike the Mac, they've been able to get away with price premiums of 10-40% more than the competition by offering a superior product in terms of "user experience". I suppose this has a lot to do with being able to get on top early in the development of the market, whereas in the desktop space they've been fighting the Wintel inertia. (I suppose the price premiums of 100% or so also make a big difference).

Kudo's to Apple for continuing to make a primo product and stave off the competition. I'm always nervous tho that someone (Microsoft?) will finally be able to come up with an interface that's nearly as good (it can't POSSIBLY be that hard) at a much lower cost, and start to take over the market... Or that someone really WILL come up with a much superior product (I have to admit the portable video devices are getting very interesting...)
Getting a bit offtopic, but still iPoddy:

It still bugs me that I still don't have any GOOD way to use the iPod in the car. I don't have a tape or audio-in jack on my tuner in my car, and I'm not exactly going to go out and "BMW my iPod".

I *love* the form-factor on the iTrip, but the interface *sucks*. Unfortunately the airwaves around here are extremely congested, and I have to switch stations during my commute between here and work - something I *don't* want to do while driving.

I ended up settling on the Belkin Tunecast which at least allows me to change channels by hitting a couple of buttons on the front of the unit, though it leaves me with a mass of cables (power for the Tunecast, dangling Tunecast from the iPod, and power for the iPod). It also means I still have to look at the iPod screen to see what song's playing, hold it to change channels/skip/change playlists/etc, and I have nowhere to PUT it except in my lap or the seat next to me.

I'm not the only one frustrated with this, am I? Are there any solutions that I'm missing?
JetwingX said:
...3) why would jobs let newsweek publish this before he announces a new iPod?
Walking IN to the keynote at MacWorld SF in 2002, Newsweek was outside handing out the upcoming eiditions of the magazine. On the cover was the flat iMac.

So effectively newsweek made the announcement BEFORE Steve could at the keynote.

Maybe they are doing something similar again?
Ripcord said:
Getting a bit offtopic, but still iPoddy:

It still bugs me that I still don't have any GOOD way to use the iPod in the car. I don't have a tape or audio-in jack on my tuner in my car, and I'm not exactly going to go out and "BMW my iPod".

I'm not the only one frustrated with this, am I? Are there any solutions that I'm missing?

Well, what do you want? You don't want to use RF, you don't have a tape deck and you don't have line-in. You don't offer any way to get the iPod music into your stereo, so it sounds like it's time to upgrade your car stereo! What do you want the iPod to do, transmit the songs by telepathy? ;)
JetwingX said:
1) i think scott need to stop with the predictions
yeah, batting a 1.000 in the wrong way doesn't look too well.

I'm gonna start confirming my own speculations here soon. Seems to be the way to get stuff noticed.
True, but you heard it first. The new G5 iMacs WILL have a COLOR screen. Our sources have confirmed this.
the new ipod looks a little smaller. i might actually take the plunge with this release, lowered price or not.

as for the color prediction, did anyone actually believe it? what conceivable reason would apple have to make the ipod color? the most common response to that question, "digital pictures." please...

anyhow, i hope apple comes to the rescue and shows the industry how to do a digital video player up right with a killer device like they did with digital music and the ipod.
i dont think there will ever be a video player by apple... the same goes for a PDA

Steve is no stupid man :)
A music player u take with u to the gym, goin to work, walkin to the mall, in the car,
on the subway... etc.. and its just as good, if not Better than listening on a stereo!

Video players are not the same, they have a small screen which makes it hard to see and therefore can not be compared with home devices....
second of all a video player, u have to hold it, u can just leave it in ur pocket, and its not useful everywhere, eg on the street, or in the gym.

there will never be a seperate video player from apple.
maybe in 10 years time, given the tech advancements, the iPod will play video, but thats a whole diff story!
Even in Australia!

Looks like you no longer get the dock, remote and carry case included! That sucks.

I literally was going to buy one this week, then today I read this post and found out about this new one. That was pretty lucky. I want those accessories though.
Mat said:
Even in Australia!

Looks like you no longer get the dock, remote and carry case included! That sucks.

I literally was going to buy one this week, then today I read this post and found out about this new one. That was pretty lucky. I want those accessories though.

Apparently the 40GB also comes with the remote according to the apple website.