New iTV (Not final name)

The question for me isn't whether or not iTv supports HD (it clearly seems to). The question is where the heck do I get HD source video since iTunes doesn't supply it.

And if I get HD from my cable/antenna and/or a Blu Ray disc, I don't need an iTv.

I'm definitely getting an iTv because I want to build an all computer-based library, but it's a shame my library will be outdated at some point when they eventually are able to provide HD footage and I'll have to buy it again. Unless

I'm missing something.
Then I'd suggest a Mac mini and a big harddrive instead. I, too, dream of a vast digital library of media in my living room, but I don't necessarily want to _stream_ that from another computer in the office. I'd rather have it right where it is.
You all are missing the point I can now justify the XServ and the 8 disk raid array. That bugger is noisy in a bad way so put it in the garage and then stream you content silently into you living room.

Not. A. Bad. Thing.

I guess I'm missing the real usefulness of this product. If I'm to spend 300 dollars on a piece of equipment that picks up a signal and sends a picture to my TV, it better damn well send any picture that I want it to. I don't want to be limited to what iTunes can do, and I want to be able to easily replace my DVD and CD players. Renting a DVD, ripping it, and streaming it to my TV sounds both illegal and time-consuming.
MrNivit1 said:
Just a historical note... I remeber reading something about an internet set-top box hooked up to a TV a few years ago. Now where did I read this? Hmmm.. oh yeah, Gate's book back in '96.

Seems Jobs is executing a working plan that Gates couldn't (Media Center PC, anyone?).

This is just what the "iTV" reminded me of.

Well as I understand the info on this it needs iTunes running on a PC or Mac for it to work so it does not stream directly from the internet.

It is funny I have Windows system and an Xbox 360 that have been doing that for nearly a year now, plus I can play games on the 360 in HD as well. Not bad for a non working plan that Steve Jobs is executing, and they say Microsoft always copies Apple.
I guess I'm missing the real usefulness of this product. If I'm to spend 300 dollars on a piece of equipment that picks up a signal and sends a picture to my TV, it better damn well send any picture that I want it to. I don't want to be limited to what iTunes can do, and I want to be able to easily replace my DVD and CD players. Renting a DVD, ripping it, and streaming it to my TV sounds both illegal and time-consuming.

It's illegal in the US but most other countries aren't as backwards ;) I'm not talking about ripping movies you rented but ones you own you have rights to do whatever you want for personal use. I think most people have DVD players already though so it's not going to replace that. It's a lot easier to put the DVD in the player the iTV is probably sitting ontop of than to rip it.
Depends. If you have 300+ DVDs and a couple of friends over, it's much faster to preview some of the movies from digital files than to swap DVDs every couple of minutes and wait through the FBI and other warnings - sometime even forced to watch other trailers -, then find your way through stupidly arranged menus etc. :)
True but I don't know of anyone who owns a lot of DVDs. It's usually better to rent them since most of the time you're not going to watch it again.
"iTV", mac mini, Airport express, iTunes, remote control, iPod with universal socket, ... yes Apple is finally entering our living room.
You don't have little kids I see...

You will watch it again,

and again,

and again,

and again,

(are you sure you want Hamster Hewey and the Gooey Kablooey again?)

and again....

and again....

I second that!!!!


Thanks to my two boys (soon to be three in January), I think I know the dialogue to all the kids shows on Nickelodeon, Noggin, PBS Kids Sprout, Disney (Playhouse and regular), and all the Disney movies from the last 6 years. :D
is iTV anything else than an iPod, with a main power supply and a wireless link ?

I mean all its functions are the same as the ones of an iPod, and it syncs the same way.
is iTV anything else than an iPod, with a main power supply and a wireless link ?

I mean all its functions are the same as the ones of an iPod, and it syncs the same way.

A graphical interface, multiple input/output ports, a decent video processer, and support for resolutions higher than 480x320.
Just a historical note... I remeber reading something about an internet set-top box hooked up to a TV a few years ago. Now where did I read this? Hmmm.. oh yeah, Gate's book back in '96.

Seems Jobs is executing a working plan that Gates couldn't (Media Center PC, anyone?).

This is just what the "iTV" reminded me of.

What is the big deal there have been computers doing this for a long time already! Plus the digital recorders from cable companys. Just cause it is going to be made my Apple does not mean it is going to be the best.
What is the big deal there have been computers doing this for a long time already! Plus the digital recorders from cable companys. Just cause it is going to be made my Apple does not mean it is going to be the best.

I don't want to mouse with my TV! The iTV is just an Airport Express for video. I wouldn't be surprised if it is finally called the Video Express or something similar to that.