New Mac. Use hard drive and system from older Mac?


I'm ready to buy a new PowerMac 1GHz and leave my G4/400 behind. But I'd like to use the hard drive the system (10.2.3) on it from my old computer to boot from. Too many apps and links installed (DragThing, Favorites, and Default Folder, etc.) to do all over again.

Will this cause me problems? I'm thinking of doing the original start up from the old drive, saving me the hassle of reentering IP numbers, etc for my DSL and NetGear AirPort router, etc.

sure, try it It's just a hard drive. It'll fit right in the new machine. It'll probably even boot your new Mac. Seriously, It will likely work without any changes, and of course, you'll be taking the system problems already on your HD to the new system :)
I don't think that'd be a good idea. At the minimum, you'd have to install a new display driver.

Better to hook your two machines together with an ethernet crossover cable (or whatever) and suck the stuff from the old to the new. Reinstall your software.

Of course, if you're adventurous. . . :)

I don't think it's TOO risky... besides, aren't a bunch of display drivers built in to OS X? Or am I nuts?

in the old days, however, this would have been a sin.... remember system 7? Each model of Mac had a different enabler file...