I'm going to be getting a new mac real soon. The question is...which one? I really would like to get a laptop, but for the price of the 17", I could get a dual 2ghz G5. I currently have a 15" powerbook 550, which I am selling in order to get this new machine, and at my office I have a dual 1.25 G4.
Time is also an issue, I need to have this machine next week preferably. I know that the G5's won't be shipping for a little while longer, so that's a downside for the desktop. Is the 17" really worth it or should I wait for a new 15" or G5 desktop?
Time is also an issue, I need to have this machine next week preferably. I know that the G5's won't be shipping for a little while longer, so that's a downside for the desktop. Is the 17" really worth it or should I wait for a new 15" or G5 desktop?