New mac...which one?


I'm going to be getting a new mac real soon. The question is...which one? I really would like to get a laptop, but for the price of the 17", I could get a dual 2ghz G5. I currently have a 15" powerbook 550, which I am selling in order to get this new machine, and at my office I have a dual 1.25 G4.

Time is also an issue, I need to have this machine next week preferably. I know that the G5's won't be shipping for a little while longer, so that's a downside for the desktop. Is the 17" really worth it or should I wait for a new 15" or G5 desktop?
Perhaps the advantages of a portable are something you should consider. Do you really need the ability to just move to a different location whenever you like, or the ability with wireless to surf the web, or connect to a remote printer from most any location around your house or business? Just unplug and go. That PB17 is not what _I_ could call a true portable, but you may have a different need for that big screen and have your moveability, too. And you won't get that G5 for at least a month yet (can't you wait?) but Speed will win out with that rig - woohoo - (you still need that big 23" HD display, did you figure that in with the expense for the G5?) (I would remond you that the PB17 comes with a display) :)
Here's a breakdown.

G4 Powermac: Get this if you need power or customizability ahead of anything else. You can add any monitor to the G4, plus it's the easiest to modify.

G4 Powerbook: Get one of these if you need power on the go. The 17" is the most powerful, yet the most expensive. If you need the utmost portable power, get this. If you need power but you're concerned about size, get the 12".

iMac: Get this if you don't need power or portability and you want a fun computer for general use. The iMac is plenty powerful and it has a built-in monitor, but it's very limited in expandability.

iBook: This is basically a portable iMac. Get this if you want the qualities of the iMac on the go.

eMac: This is the bottom-of-the-line Macintosh, all though it's still an excellent machine. Get this if you want something like the iMac but price is a constraint, or if you need to boot into OS 9 a lot.
Dude... if you got a Power Mac G5.... then you'd have to upgrade yourself to "HyperLite G5."

Seriously, though.... if this computer is a long term investment, you have to admit, the G5 is the future, and probably won't be feeling it's age for quite a while.

However, I see that you are selling your PowerBook G4 550Mhz.... I, however, plan on keeping my PowerBook G4 500Mhz for at least another year. So maybe you just swtich computers more often than I do. In which case, maybe you won't mind buying something that will age sooner, 'cause you'll sell it soon anyway.

Dunno, man. You must be torn. "Torn like an old sweater!"
Since you have a PowerBook and work with a dual G4, ask yourself which you pick if you had to lose one. Would you prefer the portability or the desktop? Or the 17 PB, which isn't very portable.
Really wrong time to change your Mac...

If you have a good display, go for a dual G4 with many upgrades... like I did...

If you don't have a good display... think about one... I love the 20"... but it is too expensive for me now... and I don't need it to work with...

If you really need a portable.... then wait a little... 15" must be coming out soon... 12" is not good for work... 17" is too much and it need something more...

I'd wait for the dual G5 desktop.

Think of the power....and come next January you'll be very glad you waited those extra two-three months during the summer.
Wait for the G5 or if you cannot wait go for a 12" or 15" PowerBook... 17" hmmmm :rolleyes:

Also, if you cannot wait for the G5 you could buy a Dual G4/1.25 fully loaded :D
1.5 GB RAM
>=120GB Hard Disk
>=17" Apple Display
I am torn on this one. I would LOVE to get a new questions asked, but I wouldn't have a display to go with it, and I couldn't afford to buy one with the machine. I am selling my 550 PowerBook, my work is buying it from me because they need it, so that's why I am getting a new system. The Powerbook is my personal computer and my desktop I currently am using is my work computer. So I need a new system to replace my home one. The reason I am leaning toward a 17" PB is because I am going on a trip next week and I need to bring the system with me.

I totally agree with waiting until a new 15" comes out though because 15" is the perfect size for a portable. But I need it next week so that's why I am leaning towards a 17" right now. I hate the case design in the 15" right now.

ahhh....what do I do?? too many options!!
17" Powerbooks are a total jipp.

That's right...I said it :eek:

Think of it this way: 1.8 ghz G5 w/ 17" Apple LCD monitor for about same price as 17" 1 ghz G4 powerbook.

Again, if you can wait...I think you should. If you can't, I'd almost look into getting a used computer and re-selling it when you buy a G5.
Originally posted by Azzgunther
17" Powerbooks are a total jipp.

That's right...I said it :eek:

Think of it this way: 1.8 ghz G5 w/ 17" Apple LCD monitor for about same price as 17" 1 ghz G4 powerbook.
Well, total jip if you're buying the 17" PB for use as a desktop machine, or don't plan using it at night... :D

Don't bash the 17", dude!
I would NOT buy a 17" powerbook just because it has a display if you plan on using it for desktop. It is WAY to expensive for that. You could get so much more for that money.

Get a G5 i'd say and if you can, just pick up a CRT monitor 17". LCD's are still wildly expensive and flat screen 17" CRT's put out a beautiful image.
Well, don't look at a 17" CRT like to 17" LCD... they are so much different! Resolution first!!!

The best thing for me?

A 15" PowerBook with an external good display too...
If you need a portable, get either the 12" or the 17" Powerbook. Get the 17" if you need the display more than easy portability, and the 12" for vice versa.
ok, i'm just doing some research for powerbook... most of u guys recommend iether 12" or 17", how about the 15"...

is it going to give u trouble?

i think if we talk about size, then 15" is ok... right? or am i wrong? :(
The 15" PB's are somewhat outdated because they haven't been updated in at least a year. The 12" and 17" sport new advances in case design, new technologies like Bluetooth and Firewire 800, and other improvements. Many people recommend something other than the 15" because of all these changes in the AlBooks. If you want a 15" PB, I suggest you wait until Apple updates the line, which should be very soon.
One other thing about the 15"... it's supposed to be like, silver paint that can wear off after time. The 12 or 17" are supposed to have fixed that (aluminum I think?)
Hey guys,

many thanks... luckily i met u guys... i was thinking that the 15" is ok... but now i know...

i want the 15" cause of it's mobility. the 17" is too big (and too pricy...) for me... and the 12" is too small.... i'm a web developer. to me the 15" just nice...

so... i'll wait for the new 15" version... should be released any soon right? atleast not until next year....
Not after New Year's, I should hope. Apple really needs to update their 15" line, since even the 12" and 17" models are due for small overhauls, in accordance with Apple's usual waiting period.