For the last day or two news.com has been asking people what they believe the new imac may look like. Since I hadn't the time to read all the post I created a script to download and email to me. Well, yesterday I got a script and read it in the email... when I checked the website today that rumored design was eliminated. Here is the post that was deleted.
"Apple's designs unlike those from you pc bastards are rarely influenced by the public, they come from within the heart of the company, and are influenced by a few great minds. Again, Apple will change the way computers are thought of this fall with the imac. Everyone has been talking of a headless imac, when in fact they are going to be creating in a sense a bodiless imac. The screen will be of a similar design to that of the old imacs with the base being surrounded by ports and a dvd slot the arm shoot will be similar but less bulky since most of the weight underneath is gone. The guts of the machine however will be hidden under your desk or somewhere else in the room and will be tethered by an unusual flat apple cable that is incredibly flexible. This is the umbilical cord that will revolutionize the industry. Though the innards (HD, memory, cards, chips) will be housed in this off your desk cylinder the reason they moved it was to create space on your desk and allow for simpler future expansion with this larger case and of course more breathing area. One of the most unusual aspects of the case is the breathing element. Once again the fan is gone and is replaced by a teflon membrane that creates suction at needed intervals to increase air flow. I will not go further but Apple has created the modular computer of the future... but the most important aspect of this computer is of a special latching mechanism found on the arm that will wow audiences as did the first airport in the ibooks some years ago."
So, there you have it. I think it sucks but i guess others will see the genius....THINK DIFFERENT
"Apple's designs unlike those from you pc bastards are rarely influenced by the public, they come from within the heart of the company, and are influenced by a few great minds. Again, Apple will change the way computers are thought of this fall with the imac. Everyone has been talking of a headless imac, when in fact they are going to be creating in a sense a bodiless imac. The screen will be of a similar design to that of the old imacs with the base being surrounded by ports and a dvd slot the arm shoot will be similar but less bulky since most of the weight underneath is gone. The guts of the machine however will be hidden under your desk or somewhere else in the room and will be tethered by an unusual flat apple cable that is incredibly flexible. This is the umbilical cord that will revolutionize the industry. Though the innards (HD, memory, cards, chips) will be housed in this off your desk cylinder the reason they moved it was to create space on your desk and allow for simpler future expansion with this larger case and of course more breathing area. One of the most unusual aspects of the case is the breathing element. Once again the fan is gone and is replaced by a teflon membrane that creates suction at needed intervals to increase air flow. I will not go further but Apple has created the modular computer of the future... but the most important aspect of this computer is of a special latching mechanism found on the arm that will wow audiences as did the first airport in the ibooks some years ago."
So, there you have it. I think it sucks but i guess others will see the genius....THINK DIFFERENT