New PowerMacs Mar 23 ?

Well rumors will be rumors, some sites say up to 2.6 and some say 2.4, guess we will find out soon (I hope).

They still have time to hit the 3GHz by summer, if they roll them out like they did last year...and still keep his 'promise'.

On a side note (back to pci-express)...Here is a link to a really good article on pci-express
Of course the thing with summer is that it ends Sept 22 and you can believe that Stevo will wait every single day of summer to make his announcement. And that will just be the announcement. They will officially ship a month later. But that's just officially, cuz the high end versions won't really ship for two months after that, which takes us to the end of the year.

Either way, I'm buying one with a big fat grin on my face. It will have been three years on my main box, another couple of months won't kill me.