New To Mavericks


Updated to 10.9.5 a few days ago (from 10.6). Seem to have a few confusing problems I can't resolve!

-Some websites show “Gateway Timeout: can't connect to remote host” immediately as I connect.

-Several of my longtime forums (not this one) refuse to let me ‘mark forums read’.

-Messages reverts to ‘offline’ every time I check ‘available’.

FWIW, I have Little Snitch and AdBlock Plus installed, but neither seems to be at fault.
I would try running Disk utility to fix permissions. That should fix all but the gateway issue, unless it's related which I don't know yet. It sounds like an external issue but may be related to something else not working because of disk permissions.
Thanks Scott, but I had already done repair and permissions. No help on any of the problems.

I Googled "Gateway Timeout" and it showed many suggestions, but I couldn't get to any of them due to this problem. Finally used my iPhone to search, and discovered it is probably not my Mac, but at the ISP; in my case, Comcast. However, due to this, I cannot connect with Comcast. :( Planning to call them tomorrow.

Strange thing, though, is that I can get to any bookmarked sites, but very few of any other sites.
Update: Ran Onyx & repaired permissions, did maintenance, and cleared caches. Cleared all outdated listings and allowed many unknown 'denys' in Little Snitch. Deleted AdBlock in Safari as I also have AdBlock Plus.

Somehow, among the above tasks, all is well now except Messages. That doesn't concern me, though, as my iPhone is always with me.
Also if anyone "upgraded" to Mavericks then to download the utility EtreCheck. Run it and when something of the output is in Red then that means it is incompatible with 10.9.x and you then have to manually delete program service, then reboot.

Many older services/ hackies can really slow down an upgraded Mac. So use this utility to find the incompatible thing ps and to manually upde those or delete them.