New Will Ferrell Switch ads

nice :)

although i havent been the hugest apple switch ad fan, i do enjoy apples humor :)
Maybe it's just me, but I don't think the new Will Ferrell ads are funny at all. In contrast his NY Macworld ad was great.
i dunno, it looks like im the only one to find them humorous thus far

i especially like the happy holidays/lawyer one hehe, its funny cause its true :)
lol. I love the iPod one. Santa's taste in music is funny. Are they actually going to run these on TV? I think they should run the iPod one.
I too don't necessarily think Apple's Switch campaign is all that great, but I really liked the original Will Ferrell ad. The declaration of his (fictional... ) profession took me by surprise and made me laugh out loud! As for his Christmas ads, I thought they were quite good too, though perhaps not quite as good as the original.

As some of you may or may not know I made the switch on 11-25-02... I find the switch ads postive... however there are a few... which leaves me to believe they were not true switchers but paid actors...

Will's ad is hard to tell... funny yes... but hard to tell if he generally understands the Mac cause and it's advantages.
To be perfectly honest, I don't think Will is a traditional switcher, like the rest of them. I saw some sort of "behind the scenes" thing about Saturday Night Live, and they had fruit-colored iMacs all around the offices, being used for script-writing. He's probably familiar with Macs, but not a regular "switcher" like the average joe switcher.
Originally posted by adambyte
To be perfectly honest, I don't think Will is a traditional switcher, like the rest of them. I saw some sort of "behind the scenes" thing about Saturday Night Live, and they had fruit-colored iMacs all around the offices, being used for script-writing. He's probably familiar with Macs, but not a regular "switcher" like the average joe switcher.

Possibly correct... but still Will is generally funny... I think this ad had a real script... but he ad-libbed it...
i think apple should release on humorous video with each new set of switch ads. something to keep us die hards fans happy :D
greenmonkey32, I know of a site which compiled an index of links to Switch parodies. However, one of those videos was hosted on a site where there were ads which could offend some people. Therefore, before I can send you any more details, could you tell me how old you are?
I wasn't a big fan of the "switch" ad either... but you have to admit two things... a) Will Ferrell is the funniest man alive and b) People are imitating the commercials so they must be having an effect on people.
Ferrell is the best when it comes to simplicity. I would like to see a mock of "Get Off the Roof" from SNL made into a switch ad. Maybe "Get off the PC!" or something.
I can only second that, itanium. :)

And while we're at it: Charlie Sheen would be quite funny in there, too... Oh, yeah, and let David Lynch do an Apple ad. ;)
Yeah...??... Whatever...

They are not funny, but I think it is kind of cool for Apple to poke fun of themselves on the Web... but I really hope they are not airing these on TV... (Are they?)