Newbie questions


I am a Windows convert. I recently defected. I tried searching on the forums but could not find the info. I apologize if it is already posted somewhere.

I have a new MacBook

What I am trying to figure out are the following:

1. Is there a way (function key combo, etc.) to manually turn off the back-light? I know I can just shut the lid but I use remote desktop and if I do that I lose my connection.

2. Is there a way to show the ethernet connection status as an icon on the upper taskbar panel? It already shows the wireless network status and I'm looking for something similar - like what is found in Windows.

3. Is there a way to show the CPU load on this same upper taskbar?

4. Lastly, does anyone know how to get a perpetual terminal server client license for Mac OS X?


1. turn your screen brightness all the way down (press f1) and the backlight turns off.

2. Some third party utility will provide this, but I'm not sure

3. Applications/Utilities, open Activity Monitor. you can set that to show whatever you like in the Dock icon, or display as a bar indicator on the desktop at all times. There are third party utilities, again, that can display this info in your menubar

4. Perhaps someone knows what you mean by 'perpetual terminal server client license'. Apple has a subscription license to keep OS X server up-to-date, but it's quite expensive, IIRC. Maybe you want something different, and you can explain what you mean....
Using the F1 key to dim the backlight to off works fine.

If you know any 3rd party apps about showing the ethernet status, that would be great.

As for the terminal server stuff, that has to do with my Mac connecting to a Windows 2000 terminal server. It provides a 90 day temp license. Either I have to get a permanent license, or change the name of my machine every 3 months so I can get another 90day temp license. Maybe it would be easier to ask how to change my computer name.

Some of what you ask can be found by searching at
Here is one example that will do a lot - Menumeters

Isn't the license just giving you permission to connect? And just a password/passphrase, and not the machine name? Sorry, I'm just showing my ignorance - isn't that something that you make arrangements through your network admin? It's not exactly a Mac OS function.... :)

Your computer name can be changed very easily. It's in your System Preferences/Sharing pane
'2. Is there a way to show the ethernet connection status as an icon on the upper taskbar panel? - (note: I do not have a wireless Windoze connection, and thus cannot associate with '... like what is found in Windows') 'MenuMeters' (donation ware); click on the 'Network' tab, and then add a check mark to the respective panels' 'Display Network Menu Meter' check box. View panels' additional options.

You can also display an 'Airport' connection, in the menu bar, via 'System Preferences' 'Network' - 'Airport' panel or 'Internet Connect' ('/Applications/' folder); by adding a check mark to the 'Show Airport status in menu bar' check box.

'3. Is there a way to show the CPU load on this same upper taskbar?' - 'MenuMeters' (donation ware); click on the 'CPU' tab, and then add a check mark to the respective panels' 'Display CPU Menu Meter' check box. View panels' additional options.