Newest known Tiger build: Mac OS X 10.4.3 8F8

You're right, now links to Didn't catch that...
fryke said:
Hmm... I don't think core image replaces QE. Flashing Aqua 'okay' buttons are certainly not in core image's area, unless i'm wrong. ;)

but why have 2 features that both draw power/speed from the same video card? they would slow each other down since they both pretty much just run on the video card. its logical to say that qe will eventually be phased out since the new technology could take care of both duties more efficient than 2 would.

think I read about this on applefritter somewhere. I will try and find this.
Hm? Not at all. You also have Quartz Extreme, Quartz, OpenGL and other stuff all working with the same graphics card. But as far as I know, core-image and core-video are not at the same level as Quartz and Quartz Extreme. So they don't replace each other, rather one is used for a specific set of functions and other for something else...
Quartz Extreme is used to render the GUI, but CoreImage is used by any program to do fast image manipulations such as gaussian blur etc.
Excuse me, but has anyone managed to get iSync to work with a P900? I manage to get them paired but there's no syncing. Maybe i should try a newer version huh?

Build: 8A294
I've had trouble with iSynching in at least one build and now in 8A323, too. Although not with a SE P900, as I don't have one. But I guess synching will be fixed later...? :)
fryke said:
Oh! Then I _must_ take another look at synching my Clié ...

And what with ichat? it's more buggy than it's ever been! Since installing i managed to connect one and every other time, it quits or crashes.

YDL4 is just as bad! There's no firewire installer yet.

*returns to Tiger...*
I guess i have a really strange phone, i seem to have problems syncing in Panther too sometimes.

How's iChat for you? Damn I need an iSight, i'd love to test the video conferencing feature...
Well, I personally prefer Adium for my IM needs. It frustrates me to no end having a window open for each person I'm chatting with. Only time I really use iChat is when I'm trying to transfer files.
Yeah, just saw that. Actually got the email and didn't read it fully. Thought there was already another build to download lol.
I guess i have a really strange phone, i seem to have problems syncing in Panther too sometimes.

How's iChat for you? Damn I need an iSight, i'd love to test the video conferencing feature...
If you're using Tiger 8A323a you might want to try setting up iChat 3.0 with a Jabber account.

I hear you ask why ?

At last we can send IM to people using MSN with iChat 3.0 and jabber gateway.

Give it a go.
You will need to setup a account using PSi or another jabber client then setup the msn gateway.

Once you have done this you will be up and running :)