Does it reindex at every boot? I've noticed the last build did this. It started saying it'd take 2 hrs but then went down to 20 mins after a while.
fryke said:Couldn't say as I'm not into Tiger-mood tonight (i.e. I've got a lot of work to do, so I'm in Panther right now...). But I guess it'd at least _update_ its index at every reboot - and the indexing time should normally be minimal after the very first time. But: It's still too early to tell about the final product...
Is anyone else getting the feeling that March and April will pass without a public release? Right now, I have the feeling that we're still in the feature-addition mode, and that Apple will want to take at least 45 days of intensive betatesting after feature-freeze...
fryke said:Hmm... Maybe someone can find you a pentagonal or even octagonal screen...... Do you really USE every Exposé feature?