Newest known Tiger build: Mac OS X 10.4.3 8F8

Does it reindex at every boot? I've noticed the last build did this. It started saying it'd take 2 hrs but then went down to 20 mins after a while.
Couldn't say as I'm not into Tiger-mood tonight (i.e. I've got a lot of work to do, so I'm in Panther right now...). But I guess it'd at least _update_ its index at every reboot - and the indexing time should normally be minimal after the very first time. But: It's still too early to tell about the final product...

Is anyone else getting the feeling that March and April will pass without a public release? Right now, I have the feeling that we're still in the feature-addition mode, and that Apple will want to take at least 45 days of intensive betatesting after feature-freeze...
fryke said:
Couldn't say as I'm not into Tiger-mood tonight (i.e. I've got a lot of work to do, so I'm in Panther right now...). But I guess it'd at least _update_ its index at every reboot - and the indexing time should normally be minimal after the very first time. But: It's still too early to tell about the final product...

Is anyone else getting the feeling that March and April will pass without a public release? Right now, I have the feeling that we're still in the feature-addition mode, and that Apple will want to take at least 45 days of intensive betatesting after feature-freeze...

Yep, unfortunately I do agree, feels like you're right.
When I try to use the Widget for the clock it is an hour fast. I have checked the international setting and have tried both the auto set to clock on server to manual and get the same result. Any ideas.
I am coming from a windows environment so this is all new. I have set a small network here at home just 4 Macs and 1 PC, an Xerox Phasor 8400 and a HP 5150. I can write filemaker databases and 4D databases and I just want to switch over to the Mac, because you cannot throw a stone in the air and not hit someone that is a windows developer or network analyst. So I am putting the money in to learning EVERYTHING I can about the Mac product. I am already playing with Applescript Studio and Xcode.

I tried the daylight saving times but I must be looking in the wrong place.

I also would like to know if there are more widgets?? If so where can I get them?

Lastly why can I not open any downloaded trial software from Adobe. (Illustrator, Photoshop, and GoLive.

Eddie Robbins
Are you sure you're talking about the not-released-yet Tiger operating system (Mac OS X 10.4)?
Apple has seeded a 560 KB update through Software Update: 8A351B is the newest build of the client version. Dunno about Server, although I _guess_ it's the same, really. Can anybody confirm Server?
To those who wonder: The iBook definitely doesn't fit the graphics card needs for those fancy new effects. Basically, everything works, but for example, you won't get the nice ripple effect when adding a widget in Dashboard. Otherwise, the build 8A351B runs quite fine.
i had a nice experience with panthers fast user switching on an old imac. Sure i didnt get the fancy cube-thing, but what i got was instant switching. if Steve Jobs had been in the room he would have said "Bom". :D
Okay, so here's a stupid question: Since Tiger will use F keys and hot corners to activate its new features, does that mean that Tiger has abandoned Expose (which is now using the same keys and corners)?

No; Exposé uses F9, F10 and F11. For ages Dashboard used F12 (and seeing as I'm not a developer, I can't corroborate this for later releases), but at the MWSF keynote, Steve used an icon in the Dock for Dashboard, as is the case on the Apple website video tutorials. As for hot corners, well they've always been optionally set by the user. I have the left corner as Screensaver and the right as Exposé All Windows. Tiger would, I imagine, just add Dashboard to the list of features you can set with the hot corners.

I've noticed on the latest screenshots and videos around the web that the Spotlight button is far nicer and more minimal. Gone are the large blue caps on either side of the bar; gone is the insane shininess of the menu itself. I'm very impressed with the simple new Spotlight launch button. Is this change reflected in the newest developer builds?

Based on the way the Apple site is going into video tutorials on the usage of Tiger's features, I'm seeing it being released in March or April, with possible application updates in minor 10.4.x updates. I'd say that by June we'll be all using 10.4.2 at least.

Of course that's not based on actually USING Tiger.
The F-Keys for Dashboard and Exposé are user-settable. You still can do anything you like with them. Just like Exposé now. Dashboard is in the same preference panel as Exposé.
Okay, but right now you have four different options (the three different Xpozay actions plus show/hide screen saver) any one of which may be applied to any of your screen's four corners; with the addition of a Dashboard, you won't have enough corners to exercise every possible option using hot corners. I WANT MORE CORNERS GOSHDARNIT!
Hmm... Maybe someone can find you a pentagonal or even octagonal screen... :P ... Do you really USE every Exposé feature?
On a PowerBook that has a backlit keyboard, as F9 and F10 are used to control the brightness of the backlight. I guess we'll have to use modifiers (Ctl, shift, Option).

Yeah, and the F12 is currently the eject on my full size keyboard. Now we need more F Keys to use all the new features of Tiger! :mad: ;)

fryke said:
Hmm... Maybe someone can find you a pentagonal or even octagonal screen... :P ... Do you really USE every Exposé feature?

You bet I do, especially with my speedy Macally Trackball! Oh well, if I turn one of the lenses of my bifocals 90 degrees it makes my screen appear to have eight corners. :o