Newest known Tiger build: Mac OS X 10.4.3 8F8

fryke said:
Hmm... Maybe someone can find you a pentagonal or even octagonal screen... :P ... Do you really USE every Exposé feature?

I don't see what so unbelievable about that :confused:. There are only 3 features, and I use them pretty much all the time.
jepp. me too. i constantly use F10 in Safari, par exemple. It's great to keep track on downloads by fast exposing the downloadwindow (i never click it, i just glance at it while it is small and then back to the mainwindow again).
i'm a bit disturbed by the new dashboard-icon-in-dock-thing. is it optional or must dashboard be running as an application for me to be able to use the shortcuts?
andychrist said:
Yeah, and the F12 is currently the eject on my full size keyboard. Now we need more F Keys to use all the new features of Tiger! :mad: ;)

Well, it's about time those F keys are put to some use. Usually they go unused.
Yup. Just start at F8 instead of F9, or F7 instead of F8. No problem here... Also for the download window in Safari, I just use the regular Cmd-Opt-L, as I keep my hands on the keyboard anyways... A quick Cmd-W closes the window again. No need to keep it open. I mainly use Exposé to unveil my (cluttered) desktop.
Well I spent twenty clams on FunKeysX just so I could enable all my F keys and by golly I'm using them all. And when I'm flinging files around (with drag and drop) of course one of my hands is not on the keyboard. (I also tend to work with my head propped up by my left arm and my cat curled up on my right arm, leaving just enough play to wiggle my fingers over the trackball...) ::sleepy::
mslifkin said:
On a PowerBook that has a backlit keyboard, as F9 and F10 are used to control the brightness of the backlight. I guess we'll have to use modifiers (Ctl, shift, Option).


The current OS has the option to use the F-keys normally and use FN for the screen controls, etc. instead of the default backwards way for the portables.
btoth said:
The current OS has the option to use the F-keys normally and use FN for the screen controls, etc. instead of the default backwards way for the portables.

Wow, thanks! That's very cool. Now Expose can have F9, F10, and F11 as originally designed. Thanks again.

Isn't the meaning of automatic keyboard and display light thingie that it'd be automatic and wouldn't need those keys so much, anyway? ;) But that's majorly off-topic by now...

Must say: 8A351B is the first build I've managed to actually _use_ for a bit of time now. On the iBook. There are still many things to do as of now, though. For example, 2.0 doesn't seem to taky any signatures. And I've heard that if you try and upgrade a Panther build with a lot of Mail to Tiger, Mail keeps on crashing.

Dashboard's widgets don't seem to be very stable in this build, too. My stickies don't keep their text and I can't copy/paste from outside to a sticky note.
is it illegal to post any small screenshots?
i'm curious about the new mail-buttons. i've only seen the quality-compressed video on apples tigerpage and they didnt look very good there.
do they look better in real life? :)
Decado said:
is it illegal to post any small screenshots?
i'm curious about the new mail-buttons. i've only seen the quality-compressed video on apples tigerpage and they didnt look very good there.
do they look better in real life? :)

Apples says you can't post screenshots.
does that not mean that we, o my brothers, already are breaking the rules of the mighty apple in the sky? or at least that a few men who walk amongst us do? |/theatrical]
ok. talking is nice.
so... do the new buttons in mail fit with other GUI-elements in tiger or are they a third kind? (i count the safari-style buttons as one kind and the buttons that are in sherlock and in the preferences window of iphoto/itunes/finder as another kind.
They're a new kind, currently, but Mail's look is being changed from build to build. I guess that might be the main focus of the interface designers at Apple right now. As we speak. So to speak. I generally like Mail's new look, but it definitely doesn't 'belong' to Tiger's Aqua or Tiger's Brushed Metal looks.

Whether Mail will just stand out from every other application on Mac OS X when Tiger's released or developers get a chance of using that look as a third option or Brushed Metal goes Susan (this third look) isn't currently known. At least not to me.
i think aqua will turn into susan for no other reason than there is hardly any application made by apple left that is neither metal nor Susan.
they really just have Mail and Preferences and they are now Susan.

oh... except Pages, Keynote and TextEdit :)

any changes in tigers TextEdit?
And don't forget about Finder windows. Not all of them are brushed. ;)

TextEdit looks the same as in Panther. The new features are, AFAICS, what texthandling in OS X gets: For example MS Word format improvements like tables (although I don't think TextEdit will ever become 'the' Word replacement now Apple has Pages).
shouldn't there be a beta?
anyway i was just thinking about the fourth GUI-style that has been popping up lately... drum roll... the black-transparent-window-with-white-text-and-a-grey/white-x-in-the-corner-thingy.
First time i saw it was in dashboard. Then all the suddenly it is all over iPhoto05. and now they have changed dashboard and the (beautiful) widget window into a less subtle thing.
i would love if this new "Black Glass"-look was used in a consistent way in tiger.
Well first: No, there's quite certainly going to be a few more builds before release. This is late alpha, early beta we're talking here. Nothing release-ready. And Decado: What do you mean by "shouldn't there be a beta"? There _are_ betas out for ADC members. And no, there's not going to be a public beta version of Tiger.

That 'black glass' look is not per se a fourth look. It's what you get when you Cmd-Tab through your applications in Panther, for example, although a bit darker. Only used for visual overlays.
what i meant with "shouldnt there be a beta"?
it was just my way of hinting to RGrphc2 that there probably will be a lot more builds since we are still in alpha. i didnt want to write "there will be a beta" since i'm not the right person to write such a thing since i'm not an ADC member and don't really know. So i choose to phrase it like i did to encourage other people such as yourself to give a more elaborated answer. ok? :)

but earlier the 'black glass' have just been a divider or something to emphasize the real message or "visual overlays" as you write. Now they are proper windows. well. just a lot of black glass lately. the new video ichat reflects in black glass and the new powerbooks on apples frontpage reflects in black glass.