Newest known Tiger build: Mac OS X 10.4.3 8F8

Is it just me, or has "Rendezvous" been replaced by "Bonjour?" Specifically in Safari, in the Bookmarks preferences, and I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere else, too, but I can't recall where, now... I only noticed it in this seed 8A385, has it been this way in previous seeds?
Bonjour is the new name for rendezvous. i hope more people know how to pronounce Bonjour than rendezvous :)
Why did they change it? Were they sued, or something? Bonjour doesn't make much more, if any more, sense that Rendezvous. I guess they could call it "Parlez," and maybe people would get it because of the allusion to Pirates of the Caribbean.
Yes Apple changed the name as part of a trademark dispute agreement. I find it slightly disingenuous though since JXTA has used the term rendezvous for their peer points longer than Apple and is still using it.

Bonjour was chosen because a computer using zero conf networking services says "Hello" when it enters the network. Apple was originally going to rename it "OpenTalk" but changed it because "OpenTalk" sounded too technical. I think open talk sounds better personally but what do I know?
Why can't they just use what it's called everywhere else... ZeroConf. I'd think a user could understand what that means when someone says "ZeroConf networking" rather than "Bonjour". It sounds stupid to even say it in the same sentence as networking.
Rendezvous was such a perfect name for it; it was something spontaneous; easy, and sounded sexy and useful :P.

I don't think I'm going to like that name change :S.
Personally I will call it OpenTalk or ZeroConf. There were even a few articles out on ADC where they called it OpenTalk, I do not get why they changed it. Bonjour just does not cut it for me. I can't even see the benefit from a marketing perspective to a normal user, but then again I am not in marketing.

On an unrelated note, is anyone else having problems with the Dock locking in 8A385? Other than Spotlight problems this is the first chronic issue I have had in the last 3 versions. For some reason the dock keeps locking and I need to do a "killall Dock" to get it back. I suspect it is when I am installing new apps. During normal use and coding it seems fine though. For a beta anyway.

Dashboard and iChat are fine for me though. (I always do a erase and install then reconfigure everything by hand.)
Mephisto said:
Personally I will call it OpenTalk or ZeroConf. There were even a few articles out on ADC where they called it OpenTalk, I do not get why they changed it. Bonjour just does not cut it for me. I can't even see the benefit from a marketing perspective to a normal user, but then again I am not in marketing.

yes it was because OpenTalk sounded to technical. it makes sense to someone who knows how networks work, but to the normal user the whole "talk" thing is not a good metaphor.
that they went with french instead of english is probably to tie it in a cognitative way to rendezvous. makes it easier to see that it is the same thing... on the other hand they DID name exposé exposé and not expose. so maybe it is a second french wave :)
i think it is kool by the way that the choose french names for some of their technologies. the whole technologybusiness is far too anglosaxian as it is. it makes it stand out. and we non englishspeaking countries have to live with the whole iPhoto, iMovie etc thing. so right back at you :P :)
Yeah, the Dock has frozen up a couple of times for me, but not too badly, Safari crashed pretty hard for me once, too. I did an import of my data from my Panther partition (after an erase and install) and that worked very well. The new Tiger fur desktop pic is sexy as hell, too.

It's starting to feel pretty polished to me, but I still haven't done much serious work on it. I usually go back to Panther for that. But yesterday, I went through an entire team meeting for a class (~2.5 hours) working on Tiger, and the only things that happened were the Dock hanging, and Safari crashing.
As a counterpoint I do not care if it is French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Fharsi, or Pig-Latin. Calling it "Hello" regardless of language does not seem like a meaningful moniker for an adhoc networking protocol.

It is designed as a localized peer networking solution so how does "Bonjour" tell us anything about it? Your computer says "hello" when it gets an address via DHCP. The computer says "hello" each time it opens a web page, retrieves mail, etc... How is ZeroConf networking broadcasting an availability message any more pertinent to "Bonjour"? If there were levels of inference in the word/concept as there are with rendezvous I could understand, but there is not. Perhaps "Yggdrasil" would work, but few would understand and even fewer would get the spelling right (I think I did. :) ). "Mu" would actally be pretty appropriate IMHO, but again has little meaning to western civilization. The problem is Apple probably does not want to get caught in the stigma of "P2P" else "PeerView" or some other such clever term would fit pretty well. Hey, how about "OpenTalk" in the language of choice?
Anyone experiencing issues with iPhoto 5 and Tiger? Just had a huge library > 10000 images, freeze up and its chewing ~100% processor time. rm'ing the plist preferences does not help either.
Ok... I feel dumb, but I have not been able to get the Tiger .dmg to burn properly on my 15" Powerbook (1.25, SuperDrive, 512MB RAM, 80GB HD). I have a valid ADC account, and the download appears to work properly, but when the file is finished downloading, there are no mountable volumes on the .dmg. Same with the DVD once it's burned. I don't like making DVDs into coasters. Any suggestions? Anyone else seen this? Thanks!

Neglected to mention that this has been true for the last two releases of Tiger.
That seems to happen to me when I download the images with Firefox. If I download with Safari, the images seem to be fine. Weird.
Well, had a similar problem a couple of releases ago with Server, but it has since been resolved. Whenever that happens its a good idea to let Apple know through the Bug Report system, even though it might be related to Firefox. I have found that iGetter works very well masquerading as Safari once you've started the d/l w/ Safari and grabbed the encoded URL.