Newest known Tiger build: Mac OS X 10.4.3 8F8

Resizing a Quicktime window on my iBook is dramatically faster than with Panther. (And earlier betas of Tiger, but those were flakey at best in playing QT content, when I tried...)
WindowServer doing nothing: 0.8 cpu%

WindowServer dragging a window around quickly: 27%

kernel_task doing nothingg 0.6 %cpu

kernel_task doing find / and dragging window around: 1.8%cpu
Just got an ADC mailing that *another* seed is released. Only the client this time, it would seem, 8A420...going to read the notes now...

EDIT: Only one known issue, with some iBooks not booting of the DVD properly.

Very interesting.
Yup. One issue only. I guess the GM is nearing... Please post your reports here about the build. Quality? Issues?
verlorenengel said:
WindowServer doing nothing: 0.8 cpu%

WindowServer dragging a window around quickly: 27%

kernel_task doing nothingg 0.6 %cpu

kernel_task doing find / and dragging window around: 1.8%cpu

My kernel_task keeps using about 6%cpu. Any idea on what might be happening? I tried to eliminate most of my background apps.

Also, does anyone know if the new Core Image and Core Video APIs will work with the NVIDIA FX 5200 Ultra? I read the new graphics APIs allow the computer to process most, if not all, graphics rendering directly on the video card's GPU, rather than taxing the computer's own CPU, freeing up processor cycles for other tasks.
fryke said:
Yup. One issue only. I guess the GM is nearing... Please post your reports here about the build. Quality? Issues?

Well this build seems very fast and stable. However there is an issue in Adobe Photoshop CS where it sometimes freezes. Then i have to force-quit (and that even sometimes don't work). I guess it is an issue that Adobe have to correct and not Apple.

Else a very stable build.
I have this strange issue where a generic app will pop up into my Dock. I'm not in Tiger at the moment, I have a test in about an hour, but to my recollections, it's name implies that it has something to do with the system-wide spell checker. I force quit it, and spell checking still seems to work, though. Just an odd little quirk.

There also still seem to be a few bugs with iDisk syncing. It doesn't want to take my iSync data from Panther, and in the error message it pops up, my clicks go through the window, which is a little weird.

Also, when did they include the graphing calculator thing in Utilities? I remember it was there in 8A414, was that the first? That thing is quite fun, and useful for the paper I'm writing!
It's also got the "pre-release" in the "About this Mac" window. We'll see that disappear with the first FC build, I guess. (It was like that with Jaguar and Panther iirc.) I'd say it's quite polished, but smaller quirks remain. For example: When I updated from 10.3.8 to 10.4 on my PB, the assistant comes up (nice new welcome video and music, btw. ... now we gotta find out who did _that_ track - guess not Röysköpp again?) and the keyboard focus is sometimes quite off... If the 14 days period from GM to release-party still holds true and the 15th of April _is_ the day, this means they still have a little over a week to fix the final few things...
you really seem to be on top of your game fryke! so in your opinion is this a really good update? (tiger in whole)? i havnt used anything since the wwdc much of a difference is there between what were seeing now, and that way back then?
From Apple;

Beginning with the Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics) and the iMac (Slot-Loading), two new features to USB are most apparent: support for USB audio devices and booting from USB drive