I know this thread appears to be pretty much dead, but I'm basically using
Newsflash as my default news reader these days. Even though it's only in alpha, it's still actually quite stable. It's mainly missing a few features. I'll be honest that I'm pretty much a lurker when it comes to Usenet, so I don't know how good the posting is. Still, I happen to like it. It certainly looks nicer than NewsWatcher X.
Another one I've tried is the news reader that's built into Mozilla. Unfortunately, I can't get it to work. All it does is creates a hundred folders with names like "news-server.columbus-26.com" in my ~/Library/Mozilla/more-stuff-here/News folder, and then does nothing. This is very disappointing, as Mozilla for the PC can do it just fine.
The last one I've tried, to relatively no success, is Pan, which I installed through Fink and run through X-Windows. Unfortunately, it immediately crashes as soon as I try to open a group or subscribe to anything.
I just hope that whatever great news reader that finally comes out supports xfaces. God, I miss those. I almost want to boot up OS 9 just to see them again.
-Bruce Adcock