No Hotmail through Safari?


U.S.D.A. Prime
Tried to access my hotmail account for the first time using the new Safari browser -- and Hotmail alerts me that my browser doesn't support JavaScript, and therefore I can't access my Hotmail account!

JavaScript IS enabled in the Safari preferences.
I got the same error message. Went back to the preferences and javascript was enabled and hit reload and it works. Its a beta.
Here is my best guess as to what is happening:

Most JavaScripts use some form of Browser detection so that you don't get errors for using a DOM property that doesn't exist (cause this will crash the script or throw up annoying debug screens). The problem is: there are two ways to do this.

The first (the more intelligent way) uses an if statement and makes a call to IE's proprietary DOM. If this fails, we get back false instead of a error message. If we get false, we know that we probably have standard based browser (ie. Mozilla, Chimera, etc), but of course we check for that too.

The second way of doing this (the stupid way) is to make a call to a javascript function that returns the name of the browser. From the info that is returned, the JavaScript determines what kind of code to use.

So, while konqueror is based on the W3C's standard DOM, since it doesn't return results like Mozilla, IE, or Opera, the JavaScript thinks that it isn't compatible and gives you a message that your browser isn't supported.

I see messages like this all the time (since I refuse to use Netscrape or Internet Exploder). Just another annoyance caused by MicroSquish.
I'm able to access my Hotmail account via MSN Messenger, but get the above mentioned message if I try to log in through the home page...
I did what Golfer said. I went to pref and clicked java and javascript off then back on. Then I went back to hotmail and hit refresh, and I was in!

No problems logging into Hotmail now after the first log in via Messenger. I spoke too soon.:eek:
just proof that apple really has messed up - cause if the world were a better place - nobody would have hotmail and support m$ in hte first place. c'mon, it's not like it's the only free email :rolleyes:

best freebie at MWSF - stickers that say : "no more microsoft" from Das Techonology :D
I do happen to have other email access, however I have used this Hotmail address for quite some time and still use it. So far I really like Safari! :D So, settle down Beavis with the MS support stuff.