No Internet connection IP address incorrect?


I desperately need help.
I have an IMac running Lion and I have suddenly lost Internet access. I have spoken to my ISP and apple and no one seems to be able to help :(
My network setting show the Ethernet connected but it won't connect as is apparently a self appointed ip address. There are no routers or anything connected.
I have restarted, reconnected, rebooted and also tried new locations but it doesn't change the address.
Does anyone have any clues how I can solve the issue? I desperately need Internet access for uni!
Thank you :)
So you are connected directly to a modem or to a router connected to a modem?

So you talked to your ISP. Then do they see the modem at all?
It is connected directly to the modem.

It is saying it is connected but it isn't. The ip is 169.24... Is that a self appointed ip?

Thank you :)
Two things:
  1. You should not connect directly to the modem. You should have a router between your devices and your other modem.
  2. I'm guessing that your modem to a different device before your present connection to your computer. Surprise! You need to reset your modem. Power the modem down for 30 seconds. Power it back up and all should be fine. This is why you should not use a direct modem-to-device connection.
You could even have a failed modem.
Are you using a wired (ethernet) connection from the modem to your iMac, or is it wireless. Wireless should mean that - yes, you do have a router, which might be built-in to your modem.
Thanks, I had a router hooked up but disconnected it. The modem has even tested on another computer and it is fine, the problem is the mac. My ISP told me to disconnect the router to troubleshoot and locate the issue.
Did you try restarting the modem yet?
If it was connected (and working OK) to another computer, then you must restart the modem before it will connect correctly to your computer.
In a sense, the modem pairs itself to the computer's network port (actually to the MAC address). When you change to a different computer, then the modem must be restarted to (in effect) re-pair to that different computer - each time that a different computer is attached to the modem. That is NOT required when you attach through a router, as the router takes care of all that for you, and the modem restart would not be required when you connect through the router.
I have reset the modem and have also reset the router, a number of times.
It was working fine and the. Just stopped.
Verify your ethernet port on the iMac by trying a different modem/router.
If your ethernet port is dead, then you can consider changing over to wireless...