NO .Mac services for free (official)

I'll never switch to an e-mail service that doesn't support pop3, just so that's said.

Now, if this is true and they cut the services without even a 30 day warning you might just see me switch back. I won't stand behind a company that does these things, no matter how good the OS is...

Seriously, I used an address cause I was proud of Apple and iTools, if they leave me to rot now(and without any kind of warning) then I might as well start Linuxing my way around...

Jeez Apple, you were doing good, why screw it up NOW?
Originally posted by Chrissyboy
Hi twyg - you can still pick up your email here:

Have fun! - CC

Thanks for that link amigo...I had some important mail that I needed to get a hold of. :)

Today seems like it's gonna be a sad day for Apple users...:(
No kidding, Izzy. Yesterday I was planning what to do with Jaguar, today I'm wondering which components I want in my next PC:mad:

I will not stand for this behavior on Apples part
Well, Apple, I'm not sure what I think of you. $100 per year! That's insane, and offering us existing iTools users a $50 discount is not helping.

Sure, about $8/month is reasonable, but for high-end features. What about those of us who are happy with our 5MB eMail and 25MB iDisk?

I say we petition.

(BTW: Jaguar is released on shelves on August 24th)

just send Apple some feedback:

mine was

"Taking away my address or making me pay for them is just wrong! SJ promised in San Francisco that it would be "fee for life." I was there, taking notes!

Yesterday I was planning when I would buy Jagaur, now I am planning what products I should put in my new Dell.

Why can't you just have a free basic service and paid Pro service? As a user and shareholder I have never been more dissapointed in a company before.

Bad form, Apple Computer, bad form!"
The services are down temporarily, but your e-mail will STILL WORK until September 30. Apple is not doing anything drastic like cutting out mail service immediately. THAT would be outrageous.

I still don't know what to think about the subscription cost, though.

But, I do know one thing. voice-: get a life. The Macintosh is still better, and just because you can't use a free e-mail address is NOT grounds to switch back to the PC. That's just plain stupid, especially given that now there is bigger e-mail and iDisk storage, iCal support online for syncing between home & work computers, free virus and backup software, etc. etc. etc. with a .Mac account. Plus, Mac OS X 10.2 will be awesome, especially with Rendezvous and MPEG support. You think Microsoft is going to support that? Hah! *laugh* *scoff*
Well, after listening to Steve, this .Mac thing sounds pretty cool. I might pay for the $50/year for existing iTools members. ( Time to solicit relatives :) )

Also, the new look (the tabs, .Mac, etc) is cool, and should fit with the new Jaguar Aqua. Let's take a moment to remember the Apple Garamond font, and welcome Myriad (is this the right font?).

Speaking of tabs, go to the Apple Mac OS X page ( The Jaquar CD's are supposed to have "fur" on them, also.
Originally posted by rhale1
Well, after listening to Steve, this .Mac thing sounds pretty cool. I might pay for the $50/year for existing iTools members. ( Time to solicit relatives :) )

Unfortunatly, it's only $50 the FIRST year. After that it's the regular $100/year :(
Originally posted by simX
I still don't know what to think about the subscription cost, though. there is bigger e-mail and iDisk storage, iCal support online for syncing between home & work computers, free virus and backup software, etc. etc. etc. with a .Mac account. Plus, Mac OS X 10.2 will be awesome, especially with Rendezvous and MPEG support.

The only problem with all of that is that I'm sure there are others like me out there who only used iTools for around 1meg of email and a quick way to throw up a nice lil webpage. Users like myself can't justify spending 100 or even 50 dollars for just that.

I can't say that I'm all-together thrilled with Apple right now, but life goes on and I'll get over it. The fact still remains that I'll be using a mac for as long as I use a computer...

...with a user base as passionate as the one Apple has, this kind of response can be expected...give it a few months and when new technologies are announced this will simmer down and things will go on...
I'm going to pay the $50 for the first year. Last month, I switched my e-mail address to .mac.. So, switching again would be to much hassles.
Personally, I understand why they charging for the service. As SJ said in the keynote, the times are changing. Back in the day, you could get free internet service, let alone server space and email...

What I wish Apple would have done is charge PER feature, or have tier accounts.. 100 for everything, 50 for half of the features, or whatever... I don't use iDisk (i have my own website), and I probably won't use Backup or the anti-virus. Just give me the email address.
Put in a complaint to Apple about taking away the free email address.

All I want is the email address, and I don't need any of the other stuff that they offer with the .Mac subscription. I think that they will get enough complaints to warrant keeping the free email addresses for people who already have them.
I put in my complaint to apple. I just want email also. I just switched a few months ago to email and i'm not ready to switch again. I think that existing services, such as email as it is now, should stay free. Any added features, or mailbox sizes could be extra money.

Ohh and i have two mac address. does that men i owe $200? Damn!
simX: I'm somewhat calmed down now. I'm still upset, but I no longer have plans to kill anyone. I'm upset because Apple goes back on its own promise to keep iTools free. I, like others, don't give a rats behind about iDisk and HomePage, but want to keep my mail without paying $100 a month for it. I don't even want the extended mail that .Mac provides, what would I do with 15 Mb? I just want by current 5 Mb Inbox. If that's not an option I AT LEAST want Apple to forward my mail automatically for the next 6 months so I'll have a fair chance at setteling in in my new home.

The question is thill there thou: why should I trust Apple with anything now? If they go back on this offer, what can't they go back on. They have broken my confidence in them...
Originally posted by voice-
The question is thill there thou: why should I trust Apple with anything now? If they go back on this offer, what can't they go back on. They have broken my confidence in them...

So you'd go back to Windows because of your "lack of confidence" in Apple?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's the funniest thing I've heard in the flurry of posts here on


I mean, sheesh. Apple said that there would be MPEG-2 playback in QT6. It's not there. OMG MY CONFIDENCE IN APPLE IS GONE! Apple doesn't have a customizable Apple menu anymore. OMG MY CONFIDENCE IN APPLE IS GONE! Apple increased the price of iMacs by $100. OMG MY CONFIDENCE IN APPLE IS GONE!

So Apple is being billed as making Microsoft tactics instead of trying to maintain a profit in a very unforgiving technological market, especially given that Apple is a small computer company that is vulnerable to swings like this?

No..... Apple hosting your e-mail on their servers for a year and a half, and letting you use their servers for free for that period as well... that must not cost them anything. All the server hardware and akamai partnering to provide you this must not cost them a single cent!

My confidence in Apple has been soooo shattered because of this announcement. :rolleyes:

Look, I signed the petition that was mentioned in the other thread. Yes, it would be nice if Apple went back on what Steve Jobs said in the keynote and make e-mail free. But give me a break: you're not going to find another computer company as dedicated to its customers as Apple.
actually MPEG-2 decoding is available.. look into the online-story - cyou can purchase the component there - 30$ i think
i dont care if they charge for storage or AV or any of the other crap thats part of .mac srrvices , but giving eveyone a .mac email adress n telling them its free for life, and now charging for them making the excuse their charging because they give u all these features is retarted, n the sad thing is that they prob planed this from the begining, get eveyone a .mac adress n then once their using it as their only email adress , add some useles features and charge the hell out of it, dejavu all over again(MS)