(No Picture) on Web movies/videos


Help, I've somehow done something to my eMac so that .mpg, .mov, .wmv movies/videos from the Web won't load. I get a black screen with (No Picture) where the videos should be running. I've had the same (No Picture) problem when I've tried loading Web movies in Safari and Firefox.

It was working fine until a day ago, so not 100-percent sure what happened. I think it might have something to do with a visit to Wikipedia where a musician's entry had .ogg files that wouldn't run and I tried to load one of the helper files recommended by Wikipedia.

I've tried reloading Safari, QuickTime, Real Player and Windows Media Viewer off the Web and even tried a software restore using the eMac discs that came with my machine. But I still can't get the Web movies to run. My Flash player is working, though.

I have an eMac PowerPC G4 (3.3) running Mac OS X 10.3.9 with 1 GHz CPU speed, 256 KB L2 Cache and 256 Memory.
I've been having the same exact problem... and I can't find any documentation of this problem anywhere. It's pretty much the most frustrating thing ever.
Btw, here's an example of exactly what this looks like... straight from apple.com

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem. Please let me know if you find a solution. I'm working with one of the MacOSX.com tech support people to see if we can find a solution, but so far we haven't found one. If anybody else has dealt with this issue, please give us suggestions. Thanks.
The big problem would be one of two things.

1. Are you using the latest QuickTime?
2. Have you installed any third party QuickTime codecs lately? The codecs are in /Your Hard Drive/Users/Your User Name/Library/Quicktime & /Your Hard Drive/Library/QuickTime.
I sure could use a solution to this puzzling predicament as well!

I have a Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5, OS X 10.4.7, 1.5 GB RAM, Quicktime 7.1.2, and have removed all 3rd party codecs, but the "no picture" window remains in both Safari and Firefox.

Many thanks to all.
The first thing I would try then is to create a throw away "test" user account and see if the problem remains. I say this because you have to know if the problem is system wide or just with the your user account.
This is not a Safari problem, per se; it is a QuickTime problem. There is an conflict between the method of embedding autoplaying videos (including those on Apple.com) and the software installed on some of our computers. My PM G5 at home has the problem; my PM G5 at work does not. Safari, OmniWeb, SunriseBrowser, and Shiira all display the problem as do Gecko-based browsers Camino, Firefox, Flock, Netscape, and SeaMonkey. However, an eclectic group of browsers appear to be unaffected. This group includes Opera, which displays the page perfectly; iCab, which displays the page OK; and, strangest of all, Internet Explorer 5.2.3, which displays the page poorly.

My computer with the problem has many more third-party codecs than my unaffected computer. I have attempted to fix it by removing the extra codecs. So far, no joy.
I tried creating a test user account, but the test account also had the problem. Right now I've thrown out my QuickTime, RealPlayer and WindowsMediaPlayer folders and I'm downloading new ones off the Web. I'll let you know if that works. I figured out I could drop QT, RP and WMP files to my desktop and open them with VLC (VideoLan), but that's more work than I want.
Well I have been searching this problem and have come across some possible solutions.

1) It maybe a bad older VLC player codec.
Take the codec out of the QuickTime codec folders and put it on your desktop. See if that helps.

2) Download the latest QuickTime, but do un-stuff it yet. Then go to /Your Hard Drive/Library/Receipts and delete any Quicktime package. The install the downloaded QuickTime. Then restart and repair permissions.

Hopefully one of these two things will help.
Just an update. Last night I dumped QuickTime, RealPlayer and WindowsMediaPlayer into the trash and reloaded them from the Web. I also downloaded the Flip4Mac program someone else suggested. When I rebooted and started surfing the Net, I found I was able to play about 70 percent of the videos I found (up from about 10 percent). I no longer have to download the files to my desktop in order to play them. I'm still having tracking problem with RealPlayer files, getting jittery video and hollow, metallic sound or a static video with OK sound. I also have a few .mpg files that still give me the black screen and (no picture) warning.
I deleted my VLC files and that freed up my QuickTime movies and other videos. I figured I needed QuickTime more than VideoLan. I am getting the following error message "The error was: “localized string not found” (WebKitErrorDomain:203)" but if I click OK I still can access the file and get it to play.
Sorry Satcomer, but I was consulting several folks on this, including a MacOSX.com tech and a couple of local Mac experts. I had about four or five directions being offered, so went with the route I took. Also, when I went to the QuickTime codec folder I didn't recognize any codecs that were VideoLan in the folder.