No reboot possible anymore!!!



I´m not able to reboot my G4 anymore. When clicking on "reboot" or "shutdown" there´s no question "really want to shutdown ...?". The screen turns into light-blue for a few seconds and my background picture appears again (and only the pic!) and nearly 30 sec later the finder is back.
The same is happening when installing new software that wants the system to reboot!
The only way to shutdown or reboot is pressing the reset button or to shutdown via terminal ("sudo shutdown -r now").

I tried to reset the PRAM but no changes.

My System :
G4 1GHZ Dual (very first edition), 1,5 GB Ram
Running OS X 10.3.3 on "System"-harddrive
Running OS 9.2.2 on second Harddrive

(Maybe the problem running different the version of OS because it appears first time when I switched form OS 9.2.2 back to OS X - I do this a few times a day)

Help really really wanted!

Have you tried Repair Permissions (from disk utility)?
What is the result with fsck -fy from single-user mode.
If both of those have no bad results, then down-load and install the 10.3.3 COMBO updater. (This often will fix minor problems like yours.) Be sure to repair permissions again after installing the updater.
I tried out all this, but no change!
But I know the reason: I removed my old systemfolder used for classic mode - and it works!!
But now I cannot use old applications anymore, so thats no solution for me! What could be the problem? (Should I remove some files out of my old systemfolder? But Which one?)