No valid DVD drive


I just got finished watching a movie on my computer. It would not play on my DVD player. When I tried another it is not even locating a drive let alone reading it. What do I do?
Your question is confusing....
Have you tried simply restarting your Mac?
Which model Mac do you have, and which version of OS X?

Or, are you asking a question about a DVD stand-alone player?

Your request might be clearer if you use more words, and don't use 'it' without explaining which 'it' you are discussing, eh?
Mac OS X V:10.3.9
700 MHz PowerPC G4

Model: HL-DT-ST RW/DVD GCC-4120B
Revision: 2.13
Serial Number:
Detachable Drive: No
Protocol: ATAPI
Unit Number: 1
Socket Type: Internal

Valid response to the use of the word "it."

A friend loaned me some DVD's. Said some would not play. I figured it was an operator error. Some of the DVD's would not play in my cheap DVD player. When tried again some did play. Out of the ones that did not play on the DVD player one played on my computer. The first one I tried. I tried to play another with no response. I come accross a not valid drive response and wonder where mine went since it was there less than 5 min. ago. Yes, I have restarted my mac. Should I do a total reboot? Shut her down and cut the power?

Yes, if you 'lose' some hardware, then the full shutdown, and then restart is a good choice.
While restarting, be sure to do a PRAM reset (hold Opt-Command(Apple)-P and R. Hold those 4 keys until you hear the boot chime. Keep holding until you hear the chime 2 more times.