skoggis, you said "GPRS works perfectly", - lucky you!!! I'm pleased your t68i is working for you! (I love mine too, except for the "non Nokia" menu, which is slow and, to my mind, not user-friendly!)
Anyway, I've been told (in Thailand) that I need to find an applescript to make it work here - did you have to do the same?
I'd love some help on this - I want to travel around Thailand, but I can't afford to be without e-mail, and many parts of the country won't let me connect via normal telephone lines (amazing, but true, before I get contradicted!) I need to keep all my mail on my PB for reference...
Any help much appreciated - thanks!

Anyway, I've been told (in Thailand) that I need to find an applescript to make it work here - did you have to do the same?
I'd love some help on this - I want to travel around Thailand, but I can't afford to be without e-mail, and many parts of the country won't let me connect via normal telephone lines (amazing, but true, before I get contradicted!) I need to keep all my mail on my PB for reference...
Any help much appreciated - thanks!