Not a rumor: OmniWeb 4.1 in September


I was talking to one of the employees and they said that there was a new version of OmniWeb coming sometime in September.

Can't wait!
I have been ok with the version of IE that came with OS X. (Making due & Netscape is no longer a choice since they broke it)

How does OmniWeb compair with IE final version. I have looked at Omni Group's web site, and heard great things about the company. I heard they even helped with the development of OS X. My perception is that I would rather back them vs. Microsoft. If their product was as good as IE if not even better - I would switch. I got the impression that the first version of the OmniWeb browser was thrown together though. Any thoughts?


There was a report on highlighting the new featurs in upcoming version 4.1 of the OmniWeb browser -- specifically it will support many more standards and have many bug fixes...

I think OmniWeb is a much better browser than IE, but two things have me not use it: 1) It no longer downloads anything (the Download Manager or whatever you call it in OW always shows it stop at around 300K or so and the downloads are in red text and don't show the complete icon), and 2) it's slow, mainly because OS X is slow and it is a native Cocoa application.

However, other than that, OmniWeb renders pages BEAUTIFULLY, and I highly recommend it as long as you don't have the download problem I have been having.

Anybody have any suggestions on fixing the OW bug?
I have never had any problems with downloading anything in OmniWeb. I have downloaded over 2 GB of stuff with OmniWeb over the last few months. But of course, I have a DSL line... maybe it is your connection.
I just tried to download it with the IE that came with OS X. It started to do the download, but then IE freaked started opening tons of windows, and the download just locked up. I would almost believe it was M$ up to it's old tricks again. Anyone else having problems? Can anyone suggest another client to pull the installer?

You can get the OmniWeb from your iTools account if you want. It is really slow to navigate, and will seem to lock up (you can't do anything in the finder during the time it is downloading), but it will work for you.
I'd pay the shipping and handling for OmniWeb 4.1 if it is better than IE. I would definately trust them more. It's definately not the connection - DSL here! :D

Are there any issues with it working with Quicktime?

I would pay the $29.95 for the license. I bought enough copies of Netscape trying to support them. (Wasted Money) It looked like it had all the normal support for browsing. Did they give you a date for release yet? Seems like you know or are the rep? ;) I'll buy a copy on disk. Now I need to figure out how to get rid of IE. Apple should be giving us a choice for install in OS X as well!!

Use iTools to get your copy of OW.

Then pay your shareware fee. I did after a week of using the original. Well worth it and from what I hear the new version will address most if not all of the most prevalent issues/concerns.
I finally got OmniWeb to download - but not until I got a different download manager. I tried Omni Group's site & Apple's download page. I am more suspicious of IE now.


Ha ha, I used to have some faith in Mac users, but in the end, they are all idiots. This thread clearly demonstrates it.
are curious about us Supreme beings, they even go to the lengths of reading all our Mac-related threads!

How many of us Mac guys spend our afternoons and evenings going through PC geek-threads?!:p
I sent in a couple feature suggestions to OmniWeb and received a response back in August. The gist of the response was: Some of my requests are being investigated by the engineering team, but others would be implemented in OW 4.1--which will come out about the same time as OS X 10.1.

Guess my point is, OS X 10.1 is here, so OW 4.1 should be on it's way.
Originally posted by pbrice
I sent in a couple feature suggestions to OmniWeb and received a response back in August. The gist of the response was: Some of my requests are being investigated by the engineering team, but others would be implemented in OW 4.1--which will come out about the same time as OS X 10.1.
Will OW 4.1 finally offer full javascript support and full CSS support ?