Now is the time to stop acting passively...


Mac Ninja
This is sad. There are people stuck on OS 9 who COULD be on OS X.

As SOON as I have photoshop 7, Dreamweaver (or Go Live if it hits first), and Flash, OS 9 is getting ERASED. Wiped with 0's. And I will celebrate that day, and burn my OS 9 CDs and watch them melt slowly.

If it wasn't for OS X I'd be a Windows user since last March. (Even though I was brought up from childhood on macs.)

Now here's the deal. If Go Live comes out first, I won't wait for Dreamweaver, which I have been using for years. No. I'll DELETE dreamweaver and use Go Live. I will spend the several hours it takes to get used to Go Live. Because OS X is top priority.

If Fetch never came out for OS X, I'd learn terminal FTP and become an expert at it. (Luckily Fetch came out, and Transmit is OK too, for FTP.)

See the pattern here? I am forcing OS 9 away, even if it means compromises.

Get off your ASSES people!

Someone said they need Netscape 4.x for their online bank. Screw that bank, then. Switch banks. My bank works with Explorer. Switching to OS X should be priority one. Anything else is less important. That's how bad OS 9 is. So switch banks. And move to OS X. Your bank lost you as a customer if they don't support the technology you need, which is OS X.

Someone is stuck on OmniPage for classic? Tough shit, that may never come out. Find another way to OCR, unless you make your living doing OCR. If not then compromise. Go OCR at Kinko's, or on a friends Window's box. Unless it's for school EVERY day, or for your living, ditch OS 9 and find another way.

Someone else said Outlook Express leashes them to the Hell of OS 9. Get Entourage. If you don't have money, pirate it. Who cares. You have to get off OS 9. If you pirate it, you can still save up money and buy it later. But you have to get off 9. Put OS X above your morals and pirate that shit.

You people need to do whatever it takes to switch to OS X! Don't wait passively! Make it happen!!

The only reason I still use classic mode is for photoshop, dreamweaver, and flash. Everything else I need has come out for OS X. I use these programs daily for my living so I can't ditch them and find another way.

My digital camera must be rebooted into 9 to work. So as soon as my apps above come out, if that camera still has no support, I'm throwing it in the ocean. The ebay ocean that is... heheh. I'm not keeping 9 on there just for my camera. I don't make my living with that. Sure, I may be camera-less for a while, but deleting OS 9 is the TOP PRIORITY.

(my computer hasn't crashed in 5 months)

My online bank wouldn't work with Explorer or Netscape under OS X. The older Netscape worked with it. I guess they figured everyone must have a wintel machine or an ancient Mac. I kept the account for other reasons, but used it very little. Fortunately, it now works under Netscape 6.1 and 6.2, but still, my browser of choice is now Omniweb. There's no reason a web site should only work on one specific platform or one specific browser, but lots of sites are like this. Using X instead of 9 in most cases won't work either - they want you to use Windows. This is entirely in conflict with how the web is supposed to work - platform independently.

I also agree that companies need to get their apps out for X as soon as possible. If Barebones hadn't been so quick about getting BBEdit out, they woulda lost me to Pepper.
Well, I agree OS X is worth moving over to, but what about us still on older machines that will never officially be supported with MacOS X? I suppose you would say that I need a new machine. I agree, but that isn't the point. I am in a financial situation which prevents me from getting a new machine within the next few months, which means I am stuck with OS 9 for the majority of the stuff I do. Whee...
you ought to share some of what you're smoking solrac.

i think the one of the true beauties of osx is 2-systems-in-one! I have some things that will never be updated that i love - like games for instance. to me, it's a great thing that i will be able to continue enjoying them for a long time to come without having to sacrifice the future to do so. don't even dream of taking my 9x away from me!!!
you don't have to feel sorry for people still using 9. Feel proud that you're using a system that boldly goes forward with progress without having to abandon its past.
burn your own 9 cds if you wish, if that's what makes you happy. (i'll start saving all my aol discs and send them to you so the blaze will be bigger, the colors prettier). but don't try to change my world. I like it here, being able to step between dimensions whenever i want. time travel on my desktop.:cool:
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
you ought to share some of what you're smoking solrac.

i think the one of the true beauties of osx is 2-systems-in-one! I have some things that will never be updated that i love - like games for instance. to me, it's a great thing that i will be able to continue enjoying them for a long time to come without having to sacrifice the future to do so. don't even dream of taking my 9x away from me!!!
you don't have to feel sorry for people still using 9. Feel proud that you're using a system that boldly goes forward with progress without having to abandon its past.
burn your own 9 cds if you wish, if that's what makes you happy. (i'll start saving all my aol discs and send them to you so the blaze will be bigger, the colors prettier). but don't try to change my world. I like it here, being able to step between dimensions whenever i want. time travel on my desktop.:cool:

I'm smoking crack, and I can't share any of it because it is expensive. I don't have enough money for crack. I get money from my mom. I threaten her with a semi-automatic.

Sorry... quoting Wesley Willis lyrics here... d'OH!!

seriously though, I know there are some collector programs in 9. Like graphing calculator. I talked to the author. He can't port that to OS X. Development would be ENOURMOUS and he has no funding. And Shadow Warrior. HILARIOUS game. And some emulators. And OS 9 itself as a collector's OS.

But to me, none of that stuff is worth the pain of rebooting to OS 9 or the suffering of loading classic. If you got collector's stuff you wanna keep, hell yeah don't delete OS 9.

My call is for people to use X. Not necessarality delete 9. I am going to vaporize 9, but if someone else adopts X, and still uses 9 for some purpose he enjoys it for, I'm not complaining. Everyone has to use X as their main system though. Change must take place!!

And Krevinek... sorry about your financial situation. But like I said, you must move to X. So top priority is moving to X. Save your money for a new machine as quickly as you can. Put that above other priorities, like eating. Just kidding. But put it above other priorities, like if your saving for an iPod, Playstation 2, and XBox, put those AFTER your new mac, so you can get OS X.

But save the money. That's a move to OS X. Do it. You'll thank me later.

Jadey -- about your problem about not being able to access some sites because they require you to use a specific browser or platform, it may be simply because they are restricting access to that browser or platform, not that your browser/platform can't support that webpage. Browser's actually submit a profile when they go to a website, and sometimes websites block certain browsers.

The solution? Omniweb. Go to the preferences, and go to the Compatibility pane under the Advanced settings. There you can tell OmniWeb to emulate a different browser, even one on Windows! This is not a guarantee that it will make certain websites work, because OW still does not support some standards, but it might work, so you can try it. :)
Originally posted by solrac

And Krevinek... sorry about your financial situation. But like I said, you must move to X. So top priority is moving to X. Save your money for a new machine as quickly as you can. Put that above other priorities, like eating. Just kidding. But put it above other priorities, like if your saving for an iPod, Playstation 2, and XBox, put those AFTER your new mac, so you can get OS X.

But save the money. That's a move to OS X. Do it. You'll thank me later.


Actually, I leave the consoles to my friends. I have CVGS running smoothly enough on this 8600 w/V3 (still waiting for that V5 to show) to play my RPGs for the PSX. I can't play any 3D PSX fighting games, but I can just jump to my NeoGeo emulator for that, because I just have this thing for the KOF series. (Capcom vs SNK 2 is also nice, mainly because I can use my favorite KOF, Last Blade and Samurai Showdown characters to kick the snot out of any other SNK or Capcom character in the game... whee! Take that Ryu! Yuri will kick your ass!)...

Anyways, back to the topic: I can actually run OS X decently, just not as great as I would like. Cleaner 5 takes about 20min to encode 1 min of MPEG-1 video/audio, running under Classic or OS 9 by itself. I do some heavy stuff that used to be great on this machine, but now it just doesn't cut it. My financial situation isn't really linked to money wasted on toys, but rather the fact I have a 45 grand college bill I have to pony up for, and that TiBook I want is a little over 2 grand... add in the cost of the firewire drive and A->D bridge, and it puts it near 3 grand. Not chump change for a college student wanting/needing a pro-end macintosh with mobile capabilities... although I may put off the laptop in favor of one of the new G4 systems coming out this Jan, and get a laptop after college instead of the other way around. Still need the A->D bridge for video capture though.
1st - jadey & simx - all the new generation have the ablity to identify as a more 'popular' browser. you'll find it in the preferences of i-cab and opera as well as ominweb. it might help with a specific site and it might not. it's a play around and see kind of thing. the problem with all the new browsers is that they don't come downloaded to act just like the old standards. you have to reconfigure them to get them close. It should be the other way around. and to stand up for jadey as well, there are sites that just plain won't let you in or won't work with any newer browser, osx or not. (its ironic that apple itools seems to be oe of the worst)which is why john and jane doe in plainsville are in no hurry to switch to osx. "that's just the future honey. we've got to have a computer that works right now"
which leads me to solrac (good lyric quoting by the way) - without going thru and snipping and clipping, let me just say that your first post seems to say that switching to osx = burning 9. hence my response. now you seemed to have sobered up since then or maybe you just ran out of sugar, i don't know. but your reply is entirely right. i know i have found myself losing interest in more and more 9 apps. seems like every other day a good replacement for one of them comes out. i'm getting closer and closer to not launching classic on startup and waiting for it when i want to do something with it.
you could even say that i have already been doing what you want. i switched my lady's new 600mhz imac over to osx about 3-4 weeks ago. she bitched about it for about a week and now she almost uses it like it is normal to her. she uses winders ninetee five at work and wishes it would be the same so she wouldn't have to learn anything new. She only got the mac so that if she broke anything , i could fix it. (other people are always fixing her pc at work.) so as the system admin, i moved her into the future. :cool:

I'll still save those aol disks if you want to make a bigger fire.

"let me stand next to your fire..." - Jimi Hendrix
Ed, my first post didn't mean moving to X meant burning 9. It just maybe seemed that way cuz I kept saying that's what I'm gonna do. But as long as people use X regularly, that's what matters. People need to stop looking for 9 apps. Mac stores should refuse new 9 programs and only keep a collector's corner in the back for 9 apps.

Krevinek, I didn't mean to say your money is wasted on toys. I meant to say, most people, even with bills such as yours, still save money for non-necessary stuff. If you are doing this, then make the new mac that runs OS X the way you need it the first thing to save for, if you can

solrac said

People need to stop looking for 9 apps.

i agree. i still update some of the ones i already bought but i'm with you on this entirely. Paying money for an app. that only runs in classic right now is probably wasting your money. some will update via download for free eventually, others will make you pay all over again in a short while and some you would just be stuck with. along with this concept i would add - developers need to quit creating 9 apps and move on to osx. I would really rather see osx versions start working the bugs out than to see classic apps fine tuned.

too bad apple can't hand out time limited demos of osx. the average user would really be able to see what a difference it makes.:)

"that ain't working, that's the way you do it,
money for nothing and your kicks for free.."
-dire straits

What about people using music apps? When / if the big players deliver OS X-native versions of apps like Cubase, Pro Tools, etc., they'll be awesome.

But there's no sign yet, bar something from Emagic next year (those efficient Germans!)

So some of us won't be going to OS X just yet, and even OS 9 can cause problems with some of this stuff, so if it ain't broke...

I'm also with Krevinek. I have a young family, and a programming job that doesn't pay me what I'm worth... ;) (don't we all?!?) Oh yeah. I also live in England. Which means everything costs a bomb.

Erf. I cannot afford a new Mac. I have an iMac rev B (233MHz) with 256 MB RAM. I gather OS X as it stands is going to be painful on this machine. So why upgrade? There are a lot of people with old Macs out there -- a testament to Apple's generally fine engineering -- I don't see the pre-X OSes going anywhere soon.
Solrac is right. Let's move on, guys. If you see a Mac user using OS 9, pull out a Windows XP box (empty, we don't want to hurt anyone) and tell him he'd have to use THAT if he doesn't move on to Mac OS X. Go to stores that sell Macs and start to lecture them. Inform them about the fact that Mac OS X is soooooooooooooo much better than anything. If someone is looking for a game in such a store, tell them that games are MUCH too expensive and that there's Hotline/Carracho for OS X. Tell them that OS X costs no more than two games and that it holds much more fun and includes a 3D chess (does it still?). If you have friends who whine about the fact that OS X looks like candy, tell them that OS 9 looks a lot like Windows 95 compared to OS X. Also tell them that the platinum appearance of OS 9 doesn't match the colors of the newer Macs (ignore the TiBook) and/or their trousers.

And then, wenn all Mac users around you have converted to X, tell them that they were right to do so. And lead them on into a beautiful new country. Where angels sing. You know. Hmm...

Oh yes, the pirate flag. It should be raised on Apple's campus again. With a Mac face and an OS X 'X' as bones.
Before MacosX exists I have "thrown away" the Java2 code on my webside to make it maccompatible. I'm not replacing my Powermac for the fun, today I was testing some code on it.
Originally posted by solrac
Someone is stuck on OmniPage for classic? Tough shit, that may never come out. Find another way to OCR, unless you make your living doing OCR. If not then compromise. Go OCR at Kinko's, or on a friends Window's box. Unless it's for school EVERY day, or for your living, ditch OS 9 and find another way.

Just to put my two cents in, I heard that OmniPage for X is coming out soon, and it looks great :-))
Why are folks telling me to use Omniweb? I said in my first post on this thread that I already do use Omniweb :p
jadey , we got that. we're just trying to point out that you might be able to effectively use it on more sites (with proper rendering) with a little bit of playing around in the prferences - the defaults are kinda sorry for some things. but you probably knew that too, so in essence we're just slyly trying to convince people to try/retry the new browsers while playing around with them instead of mindlessly using internet extortion and netrape. or at least i am. :)

what about the hardwares we got that don't work yet... are we supposed to throw these away and buy (if there's any) ones that work under OS X?
Honestly, I cannot imagine being as "Mac-addicted" as I am if I were still using classic. For years i was toughting Mac to my pc friends as the best OS and hardware configs and i honestly felt that way- but NOW, with OSX, I simply laugh at PC users and let them alone in their ignorance. OSX is the single most exciting thing to ever come upon us Mac users. i have been using OSx exclusively as my boot OS since 10.0.4 and cannot imagine going back to classic. it would be absolute HELL. I almost abhore (sp?) classic as much as Win NT at this point. OSX ROCKS!
I don't think that we need to be as evangelistic about this. Apple has practically marketted OS9 into antiquity... IT'S CALLED CLASSIC. How many programs will want to put "Requirements- OS X with functional Classic layer" on the box? 'Classic? That sounds quaint and old...' as opposed to fast and sleek- which is what OS X is billed as all over the place. I predict OS 9 beginning to be opted out of development circles in around three years, with almost all of it gone in 5 or 6. We'll see how long the transition from 32bit to 64bit code takes... that will be far longer and, I fear, more painful.