nytimes reports apple video laptop hints


in sunday ny times may 14 theres article onconvergence tv and computers, ny times hints that apple is developing something that arena, thats all i heard
ps i think apple should add wifi to get directly to itunes store at any hotspot or to recieve streaming video
No kidding... punctuation and capitalization, please?

People have been reporting that Apple has been working on some kind of home entertainment device for a while now... that's not news. Also, Apple is not in control of all hotspots across America and other countries -- besides, accessing the iTunes music store from any regular old hotspot is easy already. If you've got an internet connection, you can get to the iTunes music store with any computer running iTunes.
ElDiabloConCaca said:
No kidding... punctuation and capitalization, please?

People have been reporting that Apple has been working on some kind of home entertainment device for a while now... that's not news. Also, Apple is not in control of all hotspots across America and other countries -- besides, accessing the iTunes music store from any regular old hotspot is easy already. If you've got an internet connection, you can get to the iTunes music store with any computer running iTunes.

your right, but the corporations want to consolidate devices. unification. why use laptop if you can download a tune or video ,,,when you have the desire,,,not wait til you get home etc. in my area wifi is spreading to citywide and beyond. apple doesnt need to control hotspots, people pay for what they want when they want.accessing itunes store from a ipod isnt easy. why drag the laptop when you have a wifi enabled ipod!! thats wat i want it
Well, you said none of that in your original post, so it was a little difficult to just assume that's what you meant... I mean, iPod? Cell phone? Laptop? What exact kind of wi-fi whatchamadoodle are you talking about?
The NYT article (I believe it is the Walt Mossberg piece) talks of a possible entertainment hub. This is meant for the home, not as a mobile device.
The wireless aspect just leverages Apple's exisiting Airport tech.