Odd Mouse Behavior (very Very Seldom, But>>>)


I have always used a wireless mouse/KB on my desktops (On my second, my MacMini), and love them, been "Logitechs." Always USB wireless, not any BlueTooths YET.

But an odd thing happening very very occasionally. I'll be doing my thing and all of a sudden the mouse cursor will stop, freeze, a few seconds later move again, then freeze, on & on. Not the battery. I tried a brand new one, and it continued. I discovered when that happens, I will re-start the computer, doing that TWICE now last night the latest. Odd behavior .
Well it is doing it again, at this moment and this time I tried re-seating the USB dongle thingie, but made no difference. Just freezes for a few seconds, then allows it to be moved again, and after a few more seconds freezes again. And I do not feel like doing and waiting for a restart, since I am done for the day & off to bed. I know a re-start would clear it, as booting up late tomorrow morning, will also be fine. Just does it every now and then for no rhyme or reason, OH WELL, Night all.
Actually not that old, but I failed to place a little tag on the bottom of this KB/Mouse combo letting me know when I installed the batteries, so could not tell you for sure, & can not recall where I placed whatever came with them. But I can tell you they both are on the initial set. When I tried once putting a new battery in the mouse & that did not do anything, I replaced it with the original and that is still good. I do recall the instructions that came with them said the KB's batteries could go three yrs. We'll see>>LOL. Now the mouse has got a tiny LED that turns green when first turned on, indicating still a good battery, but unfortunately the KB does not have one. This combo set uses the same USB dongle so replacing one or the other would mean either replacing the either set or making sure I bought the same exact model #. It really is no big deal, since a restart clears it, which I didn't do last night being so close to being done for the evening, just odd when it occurs. Nothing I am doing, like throwing the mouse up against the wall before hand, in anger>>LOL.
This would be a great time to have a USB (wired) mouse to test.
You MIGHT find out that it's not the mouse at all, but that your system is occasionally stopping/pausing (and you notice it because the mouse stops working for a few moments).
If a wired mouse also stops, then you get to accuse something else in your system.
If you don't have a spare mouse somewhere, any USB mouse will work, and certainly doesn't need to be Apple-brand.

If a wired mouse does not have any problem, then you may have something that is interfering with the RF signal that the mouse and keyboard use.

What other USB devices do you use?
Do you have a portable (wireless ) phone (house phone, not your cell phone) that you sometimes use near your mini?
Yes, cordless phone nearby. I also have stored away a USB wired KB, just in case, Some things can not be done with a wireless KB like recovery of a Mac Os. So bought an inexpensive one. And recently bought a WIRED mouse, when my Chromebooks, which I am on now, wireless mouse went belly up, and I had a wired mouse, a retractable wire, which I can not find, no idea what I did with that, so bought another at the same time I bought a new wireless for this CB.

But I have not even opened its' package, but the next time, I will definitely give that a try, and will let you know. Thanks for the suggestion.

Well offline time, lots to do, Bye
Well so far so good this evening, but my WIRED mouse is nearby just in case :-). But one thing I haven't tried, is to put the Mac to sleep (Not RESTART), switch the KB & Mouse off, Wake them all back up & see if that clears it.

But about to turn it down for the day, Night all.