I still have my Apple IIGS, Woz Limited Edition, unfortunately, the keyboard stopped working after some orange juice spill into it last year. I often used the IIGS ADB keyborad with my PowerBook 520c because the built-in keyboard was so flimsy.
System specs:
GS OS System 6
Applied Engineering RAM expander card;
Two RAM cards piggybacked from AE RAM expander card: 1.75MB total RAM;
Sound card with input;
SCSI card with 40MB Hard drive (woohoo!);
800K 3.5" disk drive;
143K 5.25" disk drive;
ImageWriter Printer (no longer works);
2400 Baud external modem;
This was great back in the mid to late 80's when I would call my local BBS and send mail to my BBS buddies, play a few text based games like Galactic Empire (You have 3 new planets!).
Apple II Forever!