Official MacWorld Keynote Discussion Thread

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Well a little update, it seems I can't access any iDisk from my mac. Not my own or my friends.

I have tested my friends iDisk and it still comes up with incorrect username password. In the finder the error is instant, as if it's not doing anything. In iDsk utility I get the beach ball for about 20 seconds before it lies and says the user/pass is incorrect.

My iDisk account is perfect, my friend opened it successfully on his Mac. I just don't understand.

Apple have got to be kidding themselves if they think I'm paying for this...

surely this is the strangest problem ever
...but did anyone see/hear anything about the "Minimize in place" feature of 10.2 during the keynote?

I read on htp:// a few days ago that this feature was actually missing from the most recent developer version, though it was in previous versions. I was looking forwards to this option and it seems odd to remove a feature, especially one that people seemed to like a great deal! I wasn't able to watch the speech and so I don't know if there was any further news.

Thanks in advance if anyone can provide more information!
i'm sure it's still there and only a .plist thing to add. TinkerTool update will do the trick when Jaguar is released. I hope. :)

Gosh I'm looking forward to shell out some money :)
Originally posted by Izzy
what does that mean boi? that new macs come preloaded with 10.1 only and if you want 10.2 you have to pay extra?!
LOL if so...that's kinda messed up
if not, then is this the upgrade price?

As you can't buy a Mac without a version of Mac OS, the pricing of a new OS from Apple is ALWAYS an upgrade price. There's no difference. If you buy a Mac after a new version has been announced - but it can't yet be shipped with your Mac - you get an upgrade coupon for it. The good part is that you get a *full* version and don't need to have an old one handy just to completely reinstall your computer.

Remember that there ARE things for free in life. Like friendship. Or giveaways.
Originally posted by fryke
Remember that there ARE things for free in life. Like friendship. Or giveaways.

Unless your friends are freeloaders and the giveaway requires a qualifying previous purchase.

I missed the live transmission of the Keynote, it was 3 pm here in Sweden and it was a beautiful summer day so I thought I could catch it later. This time it seems like it is not broadcasting anymore. I just get time out errors. I have QT6 and all settings are OK.

Was the broadcast just a one in a time event?

Jan Suhr
Stockholm, Sweden
Not only do we have to pay for iTools, we can't see the keynote as it was with earlier MacWorldExpos when it was available for weeks after.

Bad tasting apple i think.

I'm watching it now, but it's streaming as a live broadcast instead of on-demand. I assume I started watching it close to the beginning, but I can't really tell.

I'm guessing they're re-multi-casting it instead of doing massive streaming on demand to reduce network load. Reasonable, except that I don't know how long before I started watching that the stream started. This streaming on interval distribution is probably the future of high demand streaming. There are technical reasons why this is beneficial, and waiting 5 minutes (or missing the first 5 minutes) for a 2 hour program to start is usually tolerable.
I found out that it was my D-Link ADSL router that prevented me from connecting to the QT-server. When bypassing that and connecting directly with my ADSL-modem it works. There must be a setting of a port in the firewall.

Back to watching :-)

Erh... _This_ one's from 2001 or 2002 or something. Consider it closed. The other one's the right thread.
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