That may be true, but it is a significant difference--since "correlation is always causation damn it!"--but more seriously, Safari ran slooowwwww . . . and repeatedly hung.
The significance of that is my Safari is pretty lean and I was not opening multiple tabs that were all running videos and downloading 1 TB Bloatware!
Anyways, I put it up there to see if I would receive either, "yeah! You are right! This sucks! ArGGG!" or "What the hell are you on about! Safari is breaking the laws of physics it is so fast!" On that note, I have noticed that upgrades can clear passwords as in you have re-sign in to AppStore and the like. I mention that because it would not accept my sign in.
I received a long--I mean long--apologetic note from Apple which also noted they have received similar complaints regarding Safari, iPhoto, and the like.
All that blathered, it was not a bad experience. I usually wait a year for an upgrade--"'CDs?!' What is that! I have 8-track--8-tracks!"--for the "bugs" to work out. Just for the hell of it I decided to test its first release. I cannot fault it if some of my favorite programs do not work with it, but most of them do actually.
"Blah . . . blah" sorry for the lecture.