Oh My God! This Sucks Big Time!

I fixed it! It's kinda hard t describe, but here it goes!

1. I took out the battery
2. I plugd in the power
3. I took a paper clip and pushed the hard reset button (batery is still out)
4. I put the battery back in and turned it on
5. Happeness :D

From what I can under stand 10.2.5 messed up the conection betwwn the battery and the computer. So the computer thought the battery was at 0% but it was really at 36%. But once I did steps 1-4 the conection was active and ali is good

But I rean fsck -f just to be sure and the system was modifyed! so I did it a 2n time and i said all was fine (Partition Mac OS X appears to be ok) so I guess something was wrong with the 10.2.5 update :p