oh no!..os x 10.3.5 volume won't mount!


...Well I have 2 HD's...one 10 G partitioned into 2 (one for swap, the other os 9.2.2) and a 80 G partitioned into 2 (one for music and the other for OS 10.3.5)...problems started when I enabled root. Once I logged out and tried to log back into root, root didn't show up on login. So I decided to reboot under 9.2.2 and run disk frag and disk doctor....well the problem got worse when near the end of disk frag the volume sort of disappeared and an error occured. I ran disk doctor and it kept giving major errors in the dir ( for example "major error found in the header node of the catalog B tree). I tried to repeatedly fix these errors but disk doctor wouldn't complete repairing becuase of some sort of error. Mac first aid also says it cannot fix the error because the volume is not mounted....however the other volume on the same drive is just fine....nothing I do seems to work and now I am stuck in 9.2.2 because the drive that wont mount is my OS X volume. What do I do? I have loads of pics and data on that volume that is not backed up (coincidence that I am awaiting the arrival of my external DVD drive to do just that?.... :mad: ).....can someone please help me out as Im out of ideas and desperate...... :confused: .....thanks......d
O.K., try to follow these steps:

1) Choose the the 10.3.5 as the startup disk, but hold down Command button (the Apple button)+s (at the same time) when the Mac is starting up. This will put you the Single User Mode.

2) At the first prompt, type: fsck -f

3) Wait while it checks your disk. If it gives errors, type fsck -f again until it comes back good. After it comes back good, type: reboot. Then pray it fixes your problem.

If it never comes back good, then you better do one of two things. Either buy a good Disk Utility like DiskWarrior or TechTool Pro. Warning though, never buy a discontinued product. It will do more harm than good to 10.3.5.

[Start Rant] Now here is the moral ( I am sorry if this sounds harsh) , BackUp, BackUp, Backup! Every computer user should get into that habit. If the hard drive is failing (failed), you could be out some data. My advice is but a cheap Firewire drive, and download Carbon Copy Cloner (because it will make bootable backups) and back up the startup drive on a regular basis.[/End Rant]

Good Luck.
Hmm... I'm thinking... Can't we make a sticky thread with all the basic tips that get thrown into basically _any_ thread in this forum? (And punish people that _still_ mention those things in the threads afterwards or ask questions that would be answered in such a FAQ?) ;-)
When you tried to log in, was there an other user?

If so, type Root in there and your password.
no I can't even log in to OS X because the dir that it is on is the one that wont' mount....! So I'm stuck on my other drive in 9.2.2. Recent development though...the os x drive now shows on the desktop when in 9.2.2 but won't boot up when I try to boot OS x from it....what does rebuilding my volume do.???