Nah, I just write reams of boring stuff on social philosophy and research. Maybe I should check out text edit, though it looks like I'm gonna have to run windows xp via bootcamp to run spss anyway.
I can't wait till these stupid computer based modules are over and I can just go back to the simple life
SPSS is available for Mac, too.
Sadly, you have to pay big dough for the 10% of SPSS that Excel won't do.
Otherwise, I use on my (company owned
)machine. Partly because I already like running X11 apps, and partly because it's faster than the java incarnation of known as NeoOffice.
Don't get me wrong, NeoOffice is a fine product, particularly if you like the OS X interface (or hate the X11 interface)
I have Microsoft Office on my machine, because my workplace provided it on the machine, but I prefer not to launch, or in any other way show support for, that fetid and bloated goat.
Oh, and my favorite text editor is nedit (another X11 app). I never have to worry, nor consider it might add whacky characters to my otherwise pristine ascii text files.
More info than you wanted, I'm sure.