Old Mac

Easter, I think these experiments will be interesting. Keep us updated. ;)

I hope I will be able to experiment the 970s when they will come out - rebuilt in a retro Mac .. so I'll be looking for a Quadra tower then. :)
Hi dixonbm,

Originally posted by dixonbm
Easter, could you please explain the hard drive cluster again. How does that work?

the cluster is about processor power ... see beowulf at http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/beowulf/

The ability to mount remote filesystem is natural on many flavour of UNIX (partially even on Windows) so is the same thing on OS X
You have to export a directory from a machine that another machine can mount and use the same way as local filesystem.
The protocol that enable condivision of remote file system is called NFS (Network File system).
You have to confugure the NFS server (on te machine with MP3 for example) to export a directory and mount that directory via LAN on other machines.

see you later_
I think the LC475 runs Apple UNIX (based on AT/T UNIX) just fine. The 630 should be able to run MkLinux.
If you've got a video projector, use the 6200 as a TV tuner. It's got good sound output, too, and it uses ATA hard drives, so you could also consider getting a large HD for it and use it as a music library.

The 6400 and 6500 are actually able to run OS X (10.1) with a third-party video card and some open firmware modding. It's slow, though, but they make perfect web servers. With G3 upgrades, they should be able to run 10.2, too :p

Originally posted by ksv
I think the LC475 runs Apple UNIX (based on AT/T UNIX) just fine. The 630 should be able to run MkLinux.


Where I could find "Apple UNIX"?
Your link is very interesting ...

I found that the power supply inside the 6200 is burned ... I tried to excange it with the one inside the 630 and it worked so now I need a new power supply (I think that the better thing to do is to adapt a PC power supply) for the 630.

Thanks ... I'll post other news when I'll have
Next days I'll ready a web page with photos of my Old Mac.

I've got A/UX 3.0.1. It's definitely abandonware, so I'll put it up at my server next time I take backups :)
I'll post a link.
this time I have found that the 475 have non video memory (VRAM) on board ... I don't connected yet the monitor to any of this Mac (I need an adapter) but I think that without memory I'll see nothing ...
So the list of needed part is:

2 68040
1 PC ATX PowerSupply
4 VRAM SIMM Memory Modules
4 cable adapter for the monitor
some keyboards and mices

I'm already working on the video cable adapter but the VRAM is very difficoult to find (more than the 68040???)
