The subject pretty much says it all.
From the release notes:
And there's more, but I want to beat simX to the announcement.
From the release notes:
Bug Fixes
- Tables
¤ Fixed a table bug that affected the http://discussions.info.apple.com forum that was caused by the calculation of percentage widths based on the specified width of the table rather than the width that the table actually ended up being forced to.
¤ Fixed some cases where tables would lay out incorrectly with content being overlapped/truncated by other content. This should reduce the frequency of incorrect layout people reported at many sites including:
¤ http://www.theregister.co.uk
¤ http://www.versiontracker.com
¤ http://my.yahoo.com
¤ http://tiaa-cref.org/
¤ http://www.workbook.com/bol/photography.lasso?maplink=true&category=PH
¤ http://www.mactech.com/online/
- JavaScript
¤ Fixed a JavaScript crasher.
¤ Fixed some parsing bugs encountered when using JavaScript to change a frame's location or a form's action.
¤ A JavaScript problem that prevented Adobe Illustrator help files from displaying in OmniWeb is now fixed. Adobe Photoshop and Adobe GoLive help will also display.
¤ Fixed bug #4187: Location property of window created with window.open not accessible. Fixes a JavaScript problem that sometimes prevented the properties of any window created by JavaScript from being accessed resulting in blank popup windows at some sites like http://www.tvguide.com and http://www.kpig.com/.
And there's more, but I want to beat simX to the announcement.