OS 10.1.4 is out!!!

First a new build of OmniWeb, and now this. Why the #$%^&* do I have to waste my days sitting in front of this POS Dell?!?
Today is super Apple Happy Day Number 1!

  • 10.1.4 Client
  • iTools Webmail
  • $40 Million Profit

Today may be a good day to play the lotto...
Originally posted by xoot
It's 10.1.4, not X.1.4. I wonder who except BlingBling would call it that...:)

the box says OS X

i call it OS X not OS 10

i call it OS X.1.4

that's my way....

but sometimes i'll say 10.1.4 just for $h!t$ and G!ggles