OS 10.1.4 is out!!!

First a new build of OmniWeb, and now this. Why the #$%^&* do I have to waste my days sitting in front of this POS Dell?!?
Today is super Apple Happy Day Number 1!

  • 10.1.4 Client
  • iTools Webmail
  • $40 Million Profit

Today may be a good day to play the lotto...
You'd think the developers of the worlds most advanced operating system would know which year it is
Originally posted by xoot
It's 10.1.4, not X.1.4. I wonder who except BlingBling would call it that...:)

the box says OS X

i call it OS X not OS 10

i call it OS X.1.4

that's my way....

but sometimes i'll say 10.1.4 just for $h!t$ and G!ggles