So I come back to this thread I started a couple days later, and there's over 50 replies, and I'm being flamed up the ass so hard it's shooting out my eyeballs.
What the hell is this shit?
To all who told me I'm a whiner, a complainer, you can go screw yourselves. How dare you even think about saying that. You don't know where I'm from!! I was about to ABANDON macintosh, before 0S X beta came out. I was tired of OS 9 constantly crashing. Windows was stable. And it had tons of little time saving subtleties, more apps, and flash animations are not slow as molasses on Windows. And I've been with mac since 1989, a damn 10 year old kid.
But I stuck with mac for OS X. And it was slow. And buggy. And I needed to use Classic 95% of the time. But I saw the pre-emptive multitasking, the protected memory, the NON-CRASHING. While everyone was flaming the public beta I was on these boards telling people my machine hadn't crashed for over a month and that is pretty damn good for a freakin' BETA!
I'm a graphic designer and web developer. I use Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, etc. etc.... and I've put up with the quirks of adopting OS X. I never even booted back into 9. I stuck with apple because they updated their product (the OS). I only boot into OS 9 to run Flash 5 because in Classic it crashes Classic every 2 minutes for some reason.
While most of the other early adopters complained and booted into 9 constantly and just used X as a toy, I STAYED in X, almost ALL THE TIME, and DID MY WORK in X. I gave up outlook / entourage, spring loaded folders, faster photoshop, quick finder, and much more.... instead I put up with Apple Mail, quirky column view (although I saw this was 100000000000x better than any thing OS 9 ever had), slow photoshop and a quirky classic environment..... all for one thing. A stable machine that doesn't crash, and works more like Windows. (Like being able to click on the desktop while another app is launching.)
Now here I am finally getting OS X 10.1, with all the promised improvements. And I notice my version is slower than the demo version. HELL YEAH I'M GONNA ASK WHY!!!!! Who said I was complaining?????
First of all, some people are telling me here that I have a pirated build. Go screw yourself. 5G64 is the GM. There is no 5G68, there is no NOTHING else. This "pirated" version is the GM. I have the release version. It's not pirated either you morons. I paid $30 and received my beta on March 24, 6 months ago. Then I got the $100 special price on the release version. So I paid my full $130. And I'm STILL going to pay another $20 to get the new disks, just to have the official copies, cuz I'm down with the Apple. So toss my salad, yeah?
Second, people are telling me here that the apple demo at Seybold is a quadruple Xeon processor Beta-Apple (Orange Pear Hybrid) with 18 TB of RAM, a 55 GB Bus, and has ten 999 Yottabyte GigaQuad Hard drives on a ULTRA-SUPER-HYPER 999999 SCSI RAID array running 999999999999999999999999 RPM, and all the apps were launched 100 times in a RAM disk with the pre-bindings hard coded into custom RAM chips, and the SWAP file was moved into a temporal vortex so that the electrons only have to move one chronometer to be read. Well screw off. You don't need that kind of setup to launch text edit in one bounce. Are you freakin' insane??? These are SOFTWARE IMPROVEMENTS... the hardware is irrelevant. The Apple VP guy at Seybold said these improvements are benefit across the ENTIRE product line.
Oh, and by the way my TiBook G4 is 400 Mhz with 384 MB RAM. An Apple tech said that it is WAY faster than a similar Cube (400 Mhz). There's NO reason this 3000 dollar laptop shouldn't be able to open TextEdit in One MOTHER of a bounce!!!!!!!!!!
So let me summarize this, and shoot down all the moron-flamers one more time (and thanks, Tie, for sticking up for me).
1. I have the GM. The final 10.1 is Build 5G64, which is what I have, and there's only one version of it. And it's free to update. And I paid for 10.0. So I am not pirating jack shit. When I get the official CD, there will be NO differences. So I'm not giving Apple a bad name either. I wouldn't "complain" if I knew this was NOT the GM!!!!!!!!
2. I have stuck with Mac during the hardest of times. I have stuck with Mac while all my partners use Windows and deride Macs every damn day, and I was ready to switch to Windows, and ONLY OS X kept me. Screw anyone that tells me to move to windows for "complaining".
3. ANY and EVERY G4 computer should see nearly the same improvements in the OS, in terms of window resizing and app launching. Anyone who thinks that to make TextEdit launch one bounce faster needs two 866 Mhz Chips and double the Bus and gigs of RAM is an idiot, or blinded by hardware sales hype. The DP 866 is good for Rendering a 3D scene quicker, I'll say that much. Not launching TextEdit one bounce faster.
4. STRAIGHT FROM APPLE MEANS GODDAMN WHAT IT SAYS BIIIAAAAAAAAAAAATCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! The VP demo'd these improvements and promised them himself, and showed a mac doing them, and these promises are also all over the Apple Site.
So this thread is titled "OS 10.1 Complaints ... Straight from Apple"
the ellipses in the middle blocks out the phrase "based on promises". So the full thread name is:
"OS 10.1 Complaints based on promises straight from Apple."
Now that 10.1 is officially out, yes... I've just expanded the damn column for you so you can see it. Alright whores?
Thank you,
P.S. I ain't mad at you...........