Seriously, I knew right off the bat it was a joke, because I go to Apple sites at every chance I can get, and I have Apple's home page as my home page, so I would've known it before anyone posted here.
(You guys all know how I almost always post about new OS X native software first.)
Hehe I'm only being super-serious because it's not April Fool's Day.
nkuvu's post reminded me of an old Apple ad called "Serious Business Computer". Basically there was this guy working in his office on a Mac, and the VP of Finance of his company walked in and wanted a PC so he could print something off of his floppy disk. So the guy said that the VP could use his Mac, and the VP's like "Uhh... no. I need a peecee." And the guy said, "Yeah, you can run that on here." Then the VP remarked, "Huh. I didn't think this was a serious business computer," as the excel file popped up. And the guy takes a Mr. Potatohead off the top of his Mac's monitor and says, "There, does that help?"
OK that was just rambling.