OS X.2 and Classic Mode


I need some help. I'm a bit confused.

I needed to use some software that requires OS X 10.2. I have a G4 tower machine I got from my kids that has OX X 10.1. I also own a set of OS X 10.2 discs I purchased from CompUSA and had never used.

Since the machine had lots of the kids junk on it, I decided to do a clean install of OS X 10.2 with the erase disk option. I did an easy install and did not get prompted to install Classic mode. The installation went fine, but now, I've tried installing a package that requires OS 9.x and it won't bring up and run Classic mode on my OS X 10.2 machine.

HELP!!! Questions:

1. What would I needed to do different to install both OS X 10.2 AND Classic? Should I have been prompted somewhere?

2. Now that it isn't running, how can I fix this?

3. Is everything I need for running Classic programs included on my OS X 10.2 discs or am I going to need to buy OS 9.x discs somewhere?


The Jaguar disks you purchased from CompUSA are OS X only, and do not include any software to install OS 9 or Classic.

You need a separate OS 9 install CD to install Classic -- simply boot from the CD and install OS 9 as you normally would. Then, reboot into OS X and try and launch anything Classic -- you'll be prompted to "add necessary files" to the installation and Classic should launch from there. It's also a good idea to update to OS 9.2.2 while booted into OS 9 and also run Software Update a few times under OS 9 to make sure you've got the latest software for OS 9.

You can also install Classic from the Software Restore Disks that came with the computer *IF* that computer came pre-loaded with OS X (10.2 or later, I believe) when it was purchased. In that case, I believe all you need to do is copy the OS 9 System Folder from the Restore disks to your hard drive and you'll have Classic.
Hopefully you installed the OS 9 drivers when you installed OS X, otherwise you'll have to reformat the drive and do it again.
bobw said:
Hopefully you installed the OS 9 drivers when you installed OS X, otherwise you'll have to reformat the drive and do it again.
I was just going to recommend doing this anyway. If you have your OS 9 installer CD (has a big orange 9 on it), pop it in and do a clean install. Then do a regular install of OS X. And, of course, update both to the latest versions (9.2.2 and 10.2.8).
bobw said:
Hopefully you installed the OS 9 drivers when you installed OS X, otherwise you'll have to reformat the drive and do it again.

I am a little confused. While I was doing the OS X 10.3 install, at what point would it have asked me to install the OS 9 drivers. I don't recall ever having this choice.

Thanks! Gary
I forget exactly where the option is to install OS 9 drivers, but it is there.
The option to install OS 9 drivers appears when you choose a format for the disk (Mac OS Extended, UNIX, etc.). You may have to use "Disk Utility" from the menus at the top of the screen rather than the installer to format the disks and get OS 9 drivers on there.

By the way, some newer computers will not allow you to boot into OS 9, but will still allow you to use OS 9 for the classic environment, and I don't remember seeing the specs on your system... what kind of Macintosh is it?
His G4 had 10.1 on it, so it's not one of the machines that won't boot into OS 9.

On those machines, there is no option to install OS 9 drivers when you install the system or use Drive utility.