I was just thinking of one reason why OS X 10.1 makes me so happy. I may be showing my age here, but OS X reminds me a lot of my two Amigas from about ten years ago. A Unix variant with a pretty (for its day) and functional GUI, all kinds of shells, true multi-tasking...
With OS X, it took a week to get used to the fact that I really could multitask, especially when copying large files or installing an application, but now its all coming back to me from my Amiga days. Of course OS X seems far more solid than the Amiga OS, and my G4 450 is a lot faster than my Amiga 2000 (except for resizing a few windows here and there), but those Amiga guys really had something - all the way back in the eighties! If only OS X could replicate the Amigas ability to grab a whole screen and just swipe it out of the way!
Some say their idea of promoting such a powerful little computer as "the ultimate game machine" was not the best strategy, but maybe it really was just "ahead of its time."
However, before you all think I'm one of those militant diehard Amiga hold outs (that I kind of admire and feel sorry for at the same time), I finally gave in a long time ago, sold my Amiga and replaced it with the then new Mac Classic (needed it primarily for midi and work in adaptive technology) and although I gave up color, multi tasking, gobs of speed, and dedicated chips for audio and video, I found I was far more productive with that little Mac and the other four Macs that followed.
If computers are like girlfriends (or boyfriends, whatever your preference...), the Amiga will always be like a hot summer fling that we both new was too good to last... and don't even get me started on thinking about my Quadra 660 AV!
Can't believe I'm actually posting this.
With OS X, it took a week to get used to the fact that I really could multitask, especially when copying large files or installing an application, but now its all coming back to me from my Amiga days. Of course OS X seems far more solid than the Amiga OS, and my G4 450 is a lot faster than my Amiga 2000 (except for resizing a few windows here and there), but those Amiga guys really had something - all the way back in the eighties! If only OS X could replicate the Amigas ability to grab a whole screen and just swipe it out of the way!
Some say their idea of promoting such a powerful little computer as "the ultimate game machine" was not the best strategy, but maybe it really was just "ahead of its time."
However, before you all think I'm one of those militant diehard Amiga hold outs (that I kind of admire and feel sorry for at the same time), I finally gave in a long time ago, sold my Amiga and replaced it with the then new Mac Classic (needed it primarily for midi and work in adaptive technology) and although I gave up color, multi tasking, gobs of speed, and dedicated chips for audio and video, I found I was far more productive with that little Mac and the other four Macs that followed.
If computers are like girlfriends (or boyfriends, whatever your preference...), the Amiga will always be like a hot summer fling that we both new was too good to last... and don't even get me started on thinking about my Quadra 660 AV!
Can't believe I'm actually posting this.